Tuesday, June 03, 2014


最近, 和家人出国时, 不幸地发生了意外。当场虽然吓坏了,手还微微地颤抖着, 但还好, 还会理智地知道要马上播叫紧急救护车,找当地人来帮忙。 整件事现在想起来, 还是历历在目。

还好, 现在家人已在康复中。 也还好, 脑部也只是皮外伤。

所谓经一事, 长一智。 以前虽然都知道以下所要说的, 但就是从来都没认认真真地去思考过。 也许就是抱着鸵鸟的逃避思想或啊Q的行为吧。


  1. 手上还真的要有能应急的一笔钱。 流动资金。 就算有买保险, 也得自己先掏腰包。这一笔流动资金数目还不能过小。 至少要两三万。
  2. 发生事情时, 不管心里有多慌, 有多怕, 也不能完全流露出来。 因为这样只会让伤者和其他你身边的人更慌, 更怕。 于事无补。 
  3. 朋友, 真的是几个真心的就好。 把你时时刻刻放在心上就好。 在知道你发生事情时, 不管自己有多累, 有多忙, 不管时间已很晚, 还是热心地帮你安排好看医生, 动手术的一切手续。又或是特地过来陪你陪家人等医生。或下了班就算路途遥远也来探病慰问。或每隔一两天, 就慰问一切还好吗。 这一切, 我都看在眼里, 感动在心里。 很庆幸, 我有了这些死党朋友。 
  4. 相反的, 也让我看清了一些所谓的朋友。 像是一个就问了我最近好不好,最近遇到什么事情了。听完如实汇报后, 却心不在焉地只对我说:"能说些开心,正能量的事情吗?" 听了, 我的心也凉了。 好冷。 这些就是属于猪朋狗友。 只能享富贵, 却不能共患难。 
事事难料。这一分钟不知下一分钟的事。 珍惜现在所拥有的。最重要, 珍惜眼前人。

Thursday, March 20, 2014


The split second of super-duper-panic to realise you are unable to find the document to attach to your email, which you have been diligently working on for the past few hours… at 1.20 am.  Blah!  

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

It has been ages...

It has been ages since my last blog entry.  

I have almost forgotten about its existence until the recent meeting with a major developer when they asked me what I’ve gotten to show them – outside of work, since I mentioned I like writing.  And they asked me to show them my blog, if it’s not too much of rudeness.   It was indeed a bit intrusive but oh well, I shared.  And they were surprised I did some of my entries in Chinese.   Well yes, I think I can safely say I’m effectively bilingual, as compared to many people out there.

It has been ages since I last go so ga-ga over a drama series; and it has also been ages since I last bawled my eyes out upon watching TV shows.  

Come to think of it, bawling your eyes out could be quite liberating.  At least, I felt that way. OK, minus the super swollen eyes thereafter.  Surprisingly, this drama is not even my usual favourite TVB dramas.  It’s a China production, together with some Taiwanese and Hong Kong artistes.  Heard a DJ mention the show a few times over a few mornings, and thought I might just check it out.  And then, by the 2nd episode, I’m dead hooked.   Yes, dead hooked.  Such that I couldn't wait to knock off work to go home continue to watch it.   And the songs from the drama are on loop at work.  

I’ve always enjoyed watching periodic dramas since young.  The costumes and hair accessories for ladies are just so pretty – maybe that explained why I also always enjoyed my Chinese Dance performances.   I missed performing.  And then because of this drama, I started reading up on Chinese history again.  And so, there is really a 兰陵王 in 公元541年- 573年.... 

Hmmm… I still want to go China see those 兵马俑!  

Saturday, January 26, 2013

2013 - 给自己的一个承诺



好玄。写到一半,收音机还竟然播了梁咏琪 的《短发》。

。。。我已剪短我的发 剪断了牵挂。。。

很多人常认为女人会舍得把长发剪短 ,大多是想借此行动摆脱一些想法,一些事情,或是一个人。

因为,把长发剪短,其实真的还需要一点的勇气;而勇气的来源,也大多是来自心坑里。 既然有勇气把多年来蓄的长发剪短,就应该也有勇气切断一些损不利己的事物关系。

把长发剪短,整个人好像也真的精神多了,清爽多了。 改头换面, 不就是希望有一个新的开始,从新出发。


只是每当在镜子前看到自己短发的摸样,就会提醒自己凡事应该向前看,往前走。 只有这样,才能找到真正属于自己的天空。


Tuesday, December 25, 2012







~ 张小娴