Sunday, January 03, 2010

Two days before and after 2010...

I had wanted to write my entries. I have tonnes to want to pen down; but somehow, whenever I really sit down in front of the comp and my Word document, nothing comes to mind. Blank. No idea what I want to write about.

Had done an entry to round up 2009, but never get to really finish penning it. It was halfway through. I'll publish it when I'm done with it.  Or rather, if I ever get done with it.

Had wanted to do an entry to welcome 2010, but never even got started!

Oh boy… lazy me...


30 December 2009
Met Serene for shopping in Orchard at 1 pm in the afternoon. It was an efficient day because we both knew we only had three hours. In those three hours, we had a quick but yummy lunch at Char Chan Teng, Serene bought a white blouse from Zara. Serene also bought her body cream from Crabtree and her hand cream from Loccitaine. Thereafter, we began our bag boutique shopping, during which I finally got myself a Gucci wallet ~ kind sponsorship from Serene and Cheryl as my birthday gift! Serene went to check out again her S$4,000 plus Chanel bag, and we rounded off with her buying a Tiffany ring!

Met Yanshan at Toa Payoh to do some grocery shopping before heading to Yanling’s house. And wah, it was tough trying to find a toilet at Toa Payoh. We walked up and down, searching for one to no avail! Bought apple strudel, ice cream, Yakult and coffee and waited for Raymond to pick us up.

Finally visited Yanling and Guoqing at their love nest at Varsity Park. Oh boy, their apartment is huge lor. Even the entire development is huge ~ according to Yanshan and Raymond who went to explore, while I stayed behind to do a bit of catching up with Yanling.

Maybe it is because their apartment is on the ground floor, it has a chalet feel with the garden porch in front, and her bedroom faces the garden. But somehow, I just thought it was a bit exposed. She always has to draw her curtains lor…

But the lovely couple decided to rent the apartment out, the moment they manage to find a HDB flat near my cousin-in-law’s shop in Jurong West. The passive rental income would form part of their family planning schedule, and such that my cousin does not have to work. Awww… She’s going to be 名副其实的少奶奶!

With Yanshan at the couch! The blue blue cousins gang!

Busy preparing for dinner...

Home-cooked dinner by Yanling!  Yummy!

31 December 2009
Supposed to have a countdown gathering with Vernice and gang. But somehow, communication went haywire somehow along the way, with no one planning or confirming anything. And when someone said she’ll check some stuff and get back, she never did.

Long story cut short, the entire saga just made me so super pissed off, such that in the end, after I vented my frustrations on poor David who totally had no idea what was going on and who incurred my wrath, I decided to just keep quiet and wait for someone to take charge ~ which was finally done at about 6.15 pm.

But because it was already really very last minute, we decided to just had a simple dinner and catch a movie, and then play everything by ear.

Vernice, who seemed to be totally oblivious to the “chaos” she created, did not join and sent us all a sms telling us she would be at Labrador Park and asked if we wanted to join her. And yes, my eyes were rolling, and Ron and Mich were like “oopsie daisee”…

After watching The Treasure Hunter, which totally sucked (sorry Bloss and Butter, but your Jay Chou really… erm… can’t act.) with lousy acting and no story line, somehow, suddenly, mahjong was on the plan and off we went to Mich’s ex-colleague’s house to play mahjong.

And yes, so we had our mini countdown at the Mahjong table. Huat ah!

Oh, and I ran into my students! Or rather, I missed them in the toilet but ran into their mother who was waiting outside for them. 

I had actually secretly planned and hoped to be back home cos I had wanted to see the live fireworks from Johor! I still miss the heart-shaped fireworks! Awww… sweet!

Anyhow, was also supposed to meet David back at my place to go for supper after his countdown party with his friends and after I had seen my fireworks; but too bad, MJ took longer than usual, and he had to try figure out the exact meeting location in his not-so-sober state.

And in the end, we did not go for supper (or rather breakfast), but just headed straight home, cos we were all too tired from the MJ ~ except Ron who kept asking about breakfast. That was about 5.15 am.

And I remembered thinking to myself that I could still join Agnes and her friends at East Coast to catch sunrise. The break of dawn on the first day of 2010! But I was honestly too groggy then. But Agnes was sweet enough to send me a MMS of the sunrise! Nice!

1 January 2010
Slept at 7 am and was woken up by mum at 8:30 am because I misplaced her keys and she couldn’t find it. Zzzz…

Met the PPGs at Butter’s place at 1:30 pm. Had mahjong again! I think I’m going to puke mahjong very soon, especially when the girls are actually contemplating a mahjoing camp! And we are supposed to be “uncontactable” with mobile phones switched off and stuff. As Butter puts it, we’ll reach mahjong nirvana soon… What the…

But Bloss and Butter would not be in town for the next few days.  Bloss would be in Batam and Butter in Hong Kong.  I miss them already... So used to yakking with them almost every day!! Gosh... Both refused to tell me when they will be back because they say I always MIA too, and go travel without telling them.  So they say must let me have a taste of my own medicine wor! haha - We all burst out laughing when Bloss said "Sekaly when we are back, she MIA again and we can't find her instead!"

Had a very sumptuous seafood dinner. The chilies and salted egg crabs were so super sinful!

Rounded the night with 30 minutes of KTV with Jenny and gang, before heading to the games café to play board games! Fun! Wanted to ask John to join since the games café was within walking distance from his house, but he only returned my sms just before I was getting ready to go to bed! **faintz** Slept at 3 am.. Zzzz..

2 January 2010
Had tuition in the morning and realised to my horror that I wore the wrong contact lens for my left eye. As a result, my left eye could not see really properly. Sigh… My student had a good laugh over it and joked that I must take note not to run into glass doors. Duh…

Went to register for my dance class. Will be having my dance class twice a week starting next week! I miss my dance classes ~ booty exotic and exotic dance!

Met Ann-marie for shopping and movies. Bought a little pearl ring which I like to bits, at least for now! And I love the chipmunks, especially Theodore and Simon! Awww… so cute.


When I'm just blabbering, it's very obvious because I am going to end this entry very abruptly.  I would be very surprised if you actually have read the entire entry and make it to this last sentence! heee...


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