Sunday, July 16, 2006

Snippets (Not in any order of sequence or preference…)

* Watched Pirates of the Caribbean with Nan last Fri. Thoroughly enjoyed the show since it has been a long, long time that I remembered I laughed so hard during a movie. But Nan actually fell asleep halfway!!! Can’t believe it, when I was so glued to the screen and of course, having a hearty laugh…

* While Nan was busy choosing her toy pigs, I came across this young couple still in their uniforms in the shop. They were looking at some soft toys and apparently, the guy wanted the gal to wear her specs so that he can compare her to the soft toy (which was also wearing specs)… … and the gal was “sa-jiao-ing” and saying no in her most “diah” voice. At that moment, my hair literally, really all stood up and I had goose bumps all over… Young kids… haha… Another way to look at it, we already passed that stage, isn’t it?

* Work has been great… Still not very busy yet… But the only thing which I told everyone who asked me “how’s your new job?” was people tend to stick to their own dept’s people… So since my dept only comprises my Senior Manager (SM) and myself, if my SM does not do lunch, I will have to go lunch on my own. I’m actually OK with lunching on my own at times, enjoying the time/peace to myself… But so far, I only lunched on my own on three occasions. Some of my dear frens actually popped by the area and did lunch with me at times…

* Boss was on leave for whole of past week. Had to hold the fort by myself for one whole week… But think so far, I’ve been doing fine… Handled an impromptu media interview, which results in great coverage! (Woohoo!!), vet an ad for one dept, advised two another dept that their marketing collateral have to strictly adhere to our corp guidelines, etc, etc…

* Two ladies from another dept invited me to join them for lunch on Friday… They asked me who I always lunch with if my boss does not join me for lunch… When I replied sometimes with frens or alone, one of them looked at me sympathetically and said so poor thing… I just smiled and replied, so ask me more to join you ladies then! But in my heart, I was thinking.. why poor thing?? I’m actually quite ok with it… Maybe, I would feel the same way as her when I was a few years younger…the feeling/thought that those who do lunch alone either have no frens or someone who is not likeable… haha… but now, I think it’s perfectly fine… Enjoying your lunch, time to yourself… Do not need to entertain others… But of course, I admit it can be quite boring at times.. haha.. Am I not contradictory?

* One fren asked me recently if I am already attached and when I said no, he replied, so cham… and I was like… huh? Why cham also? Like what I just told my cousin a few weeks back, I am really, sincerely, truthfully enjoying every minute of my singlehood. After hearing/seeing so many heart-wrenching/heartbreaking real-life stories, I appreciate my singlehood even more… at the very least, I know I won’t get hurt… by some ass-kicking jerks. OK, not all guys are jerks… But, until I find that very person who makes my heart thump faster, makes sparks fly everywhere, connects with me intellectually, is ambitious, etc, etc… I do not see any reason why I should just get attached to any Ah Mao’s, Ah Kow’s…

* One fren, who noes I am still an ardent fan of Andy Lau, reasoned that I must be looking for another Andy Lau-lookalike… to which, I know for sure, the answer is no. Even if the other party is super good looking, if both our frequencies cannot match, there’s no way the relationship can even blossom… Communication is the key to any relationship… Then again, of course, if I meet the right one, and the feeling/chemistry is there, every other (high) standard that I may have set will automatically give way…But, for now, I know one thing for sure, and that is,

Love cannot and can never be compromised…