Wednesday, January 14, 2009


有人说女人的时间其实少得很可怜。所谓“十八姑娘一朵花”... 那,过了十八是否变残花?

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有人说女人无论在工作上多能干,表现多优越,多能养活自己,始终还是个女人;还是需要一个男人,还是需要一个肩膀,一个依靠, 与他建立一个属于你们俩的家园。

其实,女人在工作岗位上再能干,在工作伙伴或朋友面前再强硬,甚至好象什么事情都能独当一面, 也会有她完全脆弱的一面。


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Thursday, January 08, 2009

Revelries ~ Part II ~ Georgie's Birthday Cele

In the toilet!

Little boy, 大家姐 and birthday boy

Crooning away...

I'll strangle you... Ahhhh

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Revelries ~ Photo Diary - Part 1

The awesome threesome makeover
Pretty pretty!

BBQ at Pasir Ris Park on 19 December 2008
Got a surprise belated birthday gift from Paul! =)

Christmas on 24-25 December 2008
I love drinking beer straight from the tap! So fresh, so cold, yum yum!!!

Andy Lau Wonderful World 2008 in Singapore ~ 12 December 2008

When Mummy saw the advertisement on TV, she just went, "You must have already bought the tickets right? The most expensive category some more right?"

Haha... My mum knows me well... Or rather, almost everyone knows I'm an ardent 华仔 fan. Since I was in Secondary One, which means, I was only 13 years old then...

It has been more than five years since Andy Lau last held his concert here in Singapore; so of course at the first instant that I knew he's going to hold his concert here (finally), I dropped everything at work, called Bloss and went immediately to book tickets online...

Oh well, it was really a pity that Bloss could not make it in the end... Otherwise, it would have been a blast!

At the concert, I was surrounded by many 华仔 fanatics - both boys and girls. It was fun. Everyone was screaming and singing along with most of the songs.

I love this... The girl beside me was cursing and swearing to her boyfriend when she was not fast enough to take a shot before the three words disappeared...
华仔说:"很多男人永远说不出这三个字.觉得这三个字很沉重。 可是,只要你真心地对她说这三个字, 她就永远只会记得你的好! ”

When the 观音statue appeared, everyone went "wah..." It was magnificent...

I love the cute Andox!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Marching into Year 2009 with bravado!

That’s what Bloss said after our first heavy conversation on the first day of Year 2009. She asked if I were to die within the next hour, what would be my greatest regret?

I told her I don’t know. Because at the moment when she asked the question, I knew that if I were to die within the next hour, my loved ones would be around with me. That’s enough.

She also said the same thing – that she does not think that she has any. Maybe worries (牵挂) but not regrets. I guess she’s right.

I told her that I THINK I do not have any regrets – simply because I know that if I were to live my life all over again, I would still walk down the very same path.

That is, given my mental, emotional and physical state, coupled with the external circumstances/factors…

So IF I am very sure I would still choose the same path, I think I should have no regrets to talk about…

Granted, some of the choices/decisions I made during the past years had not been exactly easy. In fact, some were really tough. Very tough. But I guess it’s all part of growing up, or growing old/wiser, for that matter.

Year 2009 has been said by many that it is going to be a tough year – when all we see in papers every day are the terms including “economic downturn”, “recession”, “job losses” and “pay cut”, among others.

But I guess having a positive and optimistic mindset is important. I told Butter earlier to mix more with people who are cheerful and happy-go-lucky – so that she can benefit from all the positive vibes.

Guess there were just too many negative vibes for the past year, and it affected everyone around you, which, in turn, will also affect yourself. It’s one whole cycle, or karma…

I had wanted to stay home for a quiet New Year – more so to do some reflection… but in the end, I guessed I had pushed myself too hard for the past few weeks with all the late nights and booze… (I’m sure Bloss and Butter would agree, having exclaimed I was possessed by an alien and had behaved a bit abnormally) When I reached home yesterday and sat in my favourite couch, I actually dozed off a couple of times in front of the TV…

But I did catch some live fireworks! From Malaysia, that is. I forgot I could view fireworks from home since I could see Johor from my window… And it’s quite sweet – some of the fireworks were heart shaped! Awwww…

Oh well, whether I like it or not, Year 2009 is here and a new year is always said to signify a brand new start. So here’s CHEERS to a brand new start and hope/pray for the very best in all the things that I am (and you are) going to venture into!

Hip Hip Hooray!!!!