Thursday, October 19, 2006

I'm on CLEO! Even if it's just a tiny box...

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My friend changed my quote though.. What I said was really "Many gals will CHOOSE to believe in happy endings, because we grow up on fairytales... As Disney puts it, "There's a princess in every gal!"

But I guess my quote was too long!! haha...

Most of my other friends who saw the article actually commented I look different... Some even thought the babes at CLEO gave me a makeover... and when I told them it was a recent photo I took and sent them, they were like "Why is it that we seldom see you dressed like that?"

Anyway, all in all, my conclusion is... I didn't know a visor could make such a huge difference!!!!" **winkz**

Sunday, October 08, 2006



很多时候,天时地利人和也扮演了很重要的角色。 对的人出现在不对的时候, 是一种遗憾。错的人出现在对的时候,则可酿成悲剧。
