例如,当你发现你的情绪 ── 所有高低起伏的波动 ── 都一直是被某个人所牵动着。。。
最近不知怎么的,也许是因为刚摔了一(两)跤 (不只摔坏了胸部,也摔坏了理智); 又或者是因为刚生了一场大病; 也有可能是每个月的身理期,情绪很低弱, 起伏不定。。。
本来也不把它当一回事;只是很努力, 很努力地一厢情愿以为不去理会或整理我的思绪,我就会没事。。。
有人说我变沉默了许多, 也很容易发脾气。
甚至连我老妈都说最近我好像很不快乐,心事重重; 问我是不是工作很不顺利, 又或者和老板起争执?
我不想见的人,就一直出现在我眼前绕来绕去,阴魂不散; 我不想听到的声音,就一直在我耳朵边嗡嗡叫。
我也只知道。。。 我不想回答一些我自己也不知道答案的问题;也不想听朋友唠叨我应该去正式面对某某问题。
真的好想放个长长的假。 到外头走走,吸吸新鲜的空气,看看外头, 发现原来世界这么大时,人也许会轻松多,开朗多,精神也许会好很多。。。
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Croaking sessions for two consec Fridays… enough…
April 25, 2008
With my Hwa Chong (the smarties) clique… Butter was missing though… Paul was on a “diet” – he didn’t really have dinner prior to the la-la session, except two chickie wings...
Bubbs and Bloss

Not sure what had amused Bloss so much that her face was all cramped up...

Paul imitating the conductor...

Somehow, that evening, all three of us were feeling restless (must be the beer we had earlier, which also caused Bloss to have gastric pain...), and agreed that it might actually be better if we just adjourned to Paul’s place enjoying the company of his zoo and playing Wii…
But, being the “(sometimes) nice and non-bitchy” Bubbs, I thought it was better to wait for Butter, since she was the most excited one and has been ranting she wanted to play Wii…
Can't help smiling when I think of the "bird's pee/shit" on someone's forehead, "which burger is better?" pressing the button game, and all the other mean jokes we cracked... We were really meanies that night...
May 2, 2008
With 1/3 of the YLC members… Missing George (of the jungle and 24/7 father) and Siew Chuin (our big sis)… Had fun doing the silly mass dance to 伍佰's song. Mark entertained us with his Swan’s Lake dance…
Mr and Mrs Siang...

This was probably the last time Mrs Siang would visit Kbox at Marina Square though…
1) No wet wipes and toothpicks for fruits offered. Called for service, waited x 1. Nothing. Called for service and waited x 2. Still nothing. Called for service, waited x 3. Finally came.
2)Someone came in and told us there would be free flow of tidbits, and so, helped us refill these two miserably-small bowls with three, much to our delight – especially since Mark was starving after his night meeting…

But subsequently, when we asked for refill, we were told that our package does not include free flow of tidbits.
Weird x 1. Why did the staff, then, come in earlier and tell us we could enjoy free flow, and even replaced two bowls with three, when in the first place, we had not even thought of asking for any. They obviously forgot that they had set our expectations by doing so, and therefore, they could not blame us for being angry with such haywire communications thereafter, insisting we could not have any refills.
Weird x 2. The package was much more expensive than the normal rates – yet no FREE FLOW… How the hell did they work out that package price? Then again, the onus was also on us - we must be feeling super rich (**read: silly & stoopid) to even agree to such a deal in the 1st place… The bill came up to some $50 per pax - and that's after refusing to pay full sum due to the lousy service and "trauma" we went through...
3)Someone told us the nuggets meal would come with LOTSA fries – enough to fill Mark’s stomach. When the nuggets came, there were only a few miserable fries…
4)One of the staff, obviously unhappy that we kicked a fuss and made complaints, decided to be gung ho and walked past our room, banged the wall so hard that his action caused the wall telephone to drop.
That was the last straw to send Mrs Siang into rage…
After almost 1-2 hours of #^&$*^#^%^($^, ding dong with the staff and management, and even having watched the CCTV to ascertain who the staff was, we decided that was too much to digest in a night – which was supposed to be a night of fun and make merry…
Zonked out after all the #^*&$^%(^^

The Pooh car we saw when we were leaving the car park! Cute, but I don't think I would want to drive the car around town...

With my Hwa Chong (the smarties) clique… Butter was missing though… Paul was on a “diet” – he didn’t really have dinner prior to the la-la session, except two chickie wings...
Bubbs and Bloss
Not sure what had amused Bloss so much that her face was all cramped up...
Paul imitating the conductor...
Somehow, that evening, all three of us were feeling restless (must be the beer we had earlier, which also caused Bloss to have gastric pain...), and agreed that it might actually be better if we just adjourned to Paul’s place enjoying the company of his zoo and playing Wii…
But, being the “(sometimes) nice and non-bitchy” Bubbs, I thought it was better to wait for Butter, since she was the most excited one and has been ranting she wanted to play Wii…
Can't help smiling when I think of the "bird's pee/shit" on someone's forehead, "which burger is better?" pressing the button game, and all the other mean jokes we cracked... We were really meanies that night...
May 2, 2008
With 1/3 of the YLC members… Missing George (of the jungle and 24/7 father) and Siew Chuin (our big sis)… Had fun doing the silly mass dance to 伍佰's song. Mark entertained us with his Swan’s Lake dance…
Mr and Mrs Siang...
This was probably the last time Mrs Siang would visit Kbox at Marina Square though…
1) No wet wipes and toothpicks for fruits offered. Called for service, waited x 1. Nothing. Called for service and waited x 2. Still nothing. Called for service, waited x 3. Finally came.
2)Someone came in and told us there would be free flow of tidbits, and so, helped us refill these two miserably-small bowls with three, much to our delight – especially since Mark was starving after his night meeting…
But subsequently, when we asked for refill, we were told that our package does not include free flow of tidbits.
Weird x 1. Why did the staff, then, come in earlier and tell us we could enjoy free flow, and even replaced two bowls with three, when in the first place, we had not even thought of asking for any. They obviously forgot that they had set our expectations by doing so, and therefore, they could not blame us for being angry with such haywire communications thereafter, insisting we could not have any refills.
Weird x 2. The package was much more expensive than the normal rates – yet no FREE FLOW… How the hell did they work out that package price? Then again, the onus was also on us - we must be feeling super rich (**read: silly & stoopid) to even agree to such a deal in the 1st place… The bill came up to some $50 per pax - and that's after refusing to pay full sum due to the lousy service and "trauma" we went through...
3)Someone told us the nuggets meal would come with LOTSA fries – enough to fill Mark’s stomach. When the nuggets came, there were only a few miserable fries…
4)One of the staff, obviously unhappy that we kicked a fuss and made complaints, decided to be gung ho and walked past our room, banged the wall so hard that his action caused the wall telephone to drop.
That was the last straw to send Mrs Siang into rage…
After almost 1-2 hours of #^&$*^#^%^($^, ding dong with the staff and management, and even having watched the CCTV to ascertain who the staff was, we decided that was too much to digest in a night – which was supposed to be a night of fun and make merry…
Zonked out after all the #^*&$^%(^^
The Pooh car we saw when we were leaving the car park! Cute, but I don't think I would want to drive the car around town...