Butter told me on November 26 (Wednesday) that Raymond Lam, together with Kevin Cheng and Bobby Auyueng, would be in town the next day for an opening ceremony of a restaurant and gave me the address and time...
She got me all excited that I literally jumped up from my seat in the office and ran to tell SC who looked rather amused after hearing all my babblings ...
The next thing I knew - I was at Mohd Sultan on Thursday during lunch time - standing under the sun, outside the restaurant with a lot of other crazee women and men (Yes, there were men too! which I dun understand why...)
Anyway, I was actually standing at the back of the crowd... but when the three TVB stars arrived in the cool Lamborghinis, the crowd basically went amok...
Everyone was screaming and pushing such that I could not even hold my camera upright!
But the next wonderful thing I knew - I was standing right in front of Raymond Lam and Kevin Cheng!!! Awwww... "Raymond Lam is so 帅/cute/boysish" is such an understatement... **melts**
One could imagine how exhilarated I was - when I was tip-toe-ing at the back of the crowd trying to catch a glimpse and then was pushed all the way to the front!! No sweat/effort at all! Heee...
The black Lamborghini that Kevin Cheng was in...
The very suave Kevin Cheng... Somehow, his expression and outfit reminded me of "无间道"...

Bobby Auyueng! I like him too!
Bobby Auyueng and Raymond Lam
The shot that I took when Raymond Lam was right in front of my nose!! Alright.. eyes... Hiak hiak!
Raymond Lam - my friend said he has a cheeky face - cos he always has so many different expressions!
