Monday, December 22, 2008


I read somewhere that many people tend to record unhappy things in their diaries and we should actually make a conscious effort to keep a cheerful, happy diary - because if you only record sad and hurting incidents, when you flip through the pages years down the road, you may find that it was very foolish of you back then.

Before there exist such things as blogs or online entries, etc, I used to write/scribble/doodle a lot too... in my little journal. About how I felt towards many things that happened in my life -- about my past relationships, my close friends, my family, etc...

I recently flipped through my two journals and true enough... about 80 percent of the entries were quite upsetting. But I don't find it foolish at all because it's all parts and parcels of me, of my growing up days... It's what makes me who I am today...

I'm glad I put it down in writing back then... I'm glad I had such strong emotions back then, which just made me seem... seem more alive..

A lot of things had happened in the past couple of months. I was angry, upset, relieved, hurt, jealous, envious, elated, etc.

I had been wanting to jot down what made me go through all that I went through - but each time i stare at the screen or my journal, I actually did not know what to write at all... not even a single sentence. My mind was just a blank.

原来,最可怕和最可悲的不是你经历了悲欢离合, 也不是你曾经好大声地笑过,好伤心地哭过;而是你已经渐渐开始对这些起伏不定的情绪感到麻木, 也已经不知怎么去感觉。。。