Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Came across by accident the final year project I did with two John's in my final year in Uni! And that was when Singapore's telco market finally liberalised, with StarHub entering the market with a bang and created lotsa of hoo ha... and suddenly, everyone was seeing seas of red, orange and green everywhere....

Those days were fun! Gosh... We actually graduated in Year 2001... Oh man... We are old...

Brought back some fond memories, especially when Mr Ong tried to make his computer station at home as cosy for me as possible ~ by surrounding me with teddy bears and soft toys (how weird!) ~ when I was typing the report, while the two guys went to explore the powerful home theatre system! ... ... and how I was so upset with Mr Ng cos he always just wanted to zzz instead of working on the project, and seemingly just all talk and no action... But as usual, I was so easily pacified by Mr Ng...

And Prof Wan was my favourite professor ~ he's just so damn smart!  I simply love Strategic Business Management ~ such that I gate-crashed his tutorial classes even though he wasn't my tutor!  And I could still remember how he taught us to work around the loop holes of the banking system in Singapore and be able to flee away with $$$ undetected - or at least, undetected for quite a long while! Gosh...

And Prof Hooi too!  With his cute lttle bow tie every lecture, and telling us that's his trademark, and that's how he stands out from competition.  Because Marketing is all about differentiating and positioning, isn't it? 

Awww... Ahh.. school days are still the best... If only we can turn back the clock...