Thursday, November 05, 2009

Langkawi Trip ~ 6-9 June 2009

A long overdue entry post on my Langkawi trip... This was a trip which had the few of us scrambling making several last minute decisions - and at times, I would be wondering why I agreed to go in the first place... things that went wrong were mostly communication problems such as...

1) A commented that the air tics were bought wrongly and hence, we ended up paying S$20-30 more.  It's only S$20-30 more.  No one was complaining and A was just informing.  But B, who volunteered to book the air tickets, was obviously offended and became rather defensive. 

2) Everyone wanted to have a say in the kind of accomm they wanted to stay in.  That is too dirty.  This is too far.  The rooms don't look comfy. etc etc.. Why don't we get a suite so that everyone can stay together instead of two rooms?  Which option is cheaper? bla bla bla...and in the end, by the time we decided on one, it was not available anymore and we realised that there were not many options left. 

3) Even the kind of car that we were to rent also became a small issue.  A preferred to drive a manual car.  B was upset that we kept mentioning to leave the driving to A, and no one remembers that he can drive too, and when A offered B to drive, B said he's not that confident in manual car...

4) N the worst thing that made me roll my eyes was that A sms-ed everyone to change more money so that we could pay the hotel in cash, and still could say "Lucky I tell everyone - cos no one thought of it.  Otherwise, everyone is just going to bring a couple of hundreds for daily expenses..."  And honestly, I had question marks written all over my face. HUH? I could not understand why we could not pay the hotel by credit card and must carry so much cash with us.  Luckily, before I could start screaming , B (who still was sane, called me and asked why must bring so much cash) offered to pay by his credit card first. 

But all in all, I guess it was just the hassle and logistics of planning for a trip.  We still enjoy one another's company and everything went well and it was fun during the trip . 

The days were spent exploring the island, while the nights were spent chatting, playing games and being real naughty (heh heh)...

Welcome to Langkawi sign at the airport!

The plane was just behind us...  For some reason, Vern kept thinking we took JetStar instead of AirAsia...

The iconic eagle at Langkawi (@ Eagle Square) of course must pose for a group picture!

The cafe opposite our hotel which we thought was quite cool!

Our breakfast! Yummy, right?

The boats for island hopping. It was rather difficult for the gals to get onto and off the boat, actually.  At one point, Vern was kinda stuck on the boat and had no idea how to get off the boat - even with the guys trying to hold her.  Quite a farnie sight though... But after a few times getting on and off, we kinda learnt the trick - and by the last trip, none of the gals needed the guys' help.

We reached one of the islands!

The green padi field we saw when we were on the road.  We liked it so much, we actually stopped by the roadside to take photos and look at the cows that were nearby.  Typical sua-gu city gals and boys... 
I guessed our trip was quite unique, because people usually go to Langkawi to nua at the beach.  Our group, on the other hand, decided to visit all the atas villa hotels on the island- one after another - until I lost count, and then have drinks there... Because the weather was damn hot, we have refreshing fruit juice almost every day! 

The 2nd photo was at Datai, in which a prince was seated supposedly just a table from us.  Anyway, the waiter there was quite friendly and chatted with us throughout our time there.  But everyone was surprised when he asked for my number when we were leaving.  I thought he would never call anyway, so I stoopidly just gave, in which I was being scolded by the guys in the car. But, who knows?  He called me just a few days ago, which was like - almost five months down the road, and said he wondered when he can see all our faces again (huh?) and he missed all our faces! (huh again?) Freaky.

The guys had a game of pool, while the gals (or rather, me, cos the gals had a game therafter too) just waited. What's new? More than one group of friends had tried to teach me, but I'm like forever "catch no balls"... hahaha..

Think there's really nothing much or things to wah about on the Langkawi island... it's really nua-ing, and enjoying a slower pace of life.  So it was good that we still enjoy one another's company and we didn't end up in cats' and dogs' fight!  We are trying to plan for another short trip early next year again, so let's see how the logistics will go this time round again...
Alrighty, next up on the post should be the also long-overdue Malacca trip with the girls! =)  Hope the blog works well then...

Sunday, November 01, 2009


I had wanted to do two photo posts on my Langkawi and Malacca trips which are long overdue... But I can't seem to access certain pages of my blog account... Sigh... So in the end, I ended up doodling and penning, so here goes...


女人是个喜欢被人捧在手心里的动物。 所以,小时后,先是父母的掌上明珠(手)。 长大后,希望是她所爱的男人的心肝宝贝(心)。

女人始终是个感性的动物。无论一个女人多么能干,多么坚强,多么聪明地不让自己的情绪写在脸上;遇到打从心里自己紧张的事情,就会芳心大乱,失去平时的思考和办事能力,根本不知如何是好。 这也许就是女人和男人的不同吧!

有些女人很喜欢钻牛角尖;又或许是太习惯胡思乱想。 结果,明明是一件很简单或不以为然的事情,却因自己的左思右想,越是苦恼,头脑就越乱;然后满脑子就多出了很多莫名其妙的可能性。就这样, 把自己的精神弄得非常紧绷, 对周围的事和人都多了一份猜疑心。

又有些女人,喜欢骗自己。喜欢活在自己从小编的童话故事里。 明明发现了一些伤透了心的事情,却找了好多理由去安抚自己。 久而久之,就这样,自己就不知不觉地相信自己编造的美丽谎言。 也许,骗自己是想让自己好过一点。

有些男人会觉得他身边的女人很烦。 整天在他耳边啰里啰唆,唠叨个不停,好像什么芝麻绿豆的事情都能拿出来讲。 其实, 换个角度想想。 有个女人在你身边唠哩唠叨,其实,也是一种幸福。 一个女人会像一只打不死的蚊子在你耳边嗡嗡叫,连你打个喷嚏都问长问短, 是因为你对她非常重要。 如果她不爱你了,即使看到你跌得头破血流,她最多只会说四个字“自己保重”,也不会再多问一句,也不会再多一丝的怜悯。