I am writing this with a rather heavy heart.
Not because of anything specific in particular (thankfully), but just feeling very mixed-up, or should I say, messed up or pent up emotions – all in turmoil.
Jen asked me one day – quite out of the blue – if I am happy.
That was the exact question that my boss asked me when we were doing my appraisal.
Am I happy?
I asked myself that question far many more times than anyone else asked me.
Honestly, I have no answer. That is hopelessly pathetic.
I am happy with what I am doing. Or am I? Really?
I don’t know. But one thing I know for sure is I am slipping into my comfort zone – so much so that I am just working like a no-brainer robot.
Alright – we visited this issue before, but I never really face up to it. I just smile and brush it off. Boss asked me if I am getting bored or if I am overloaded and if she should take some responsibilities off me, so that I can focus on bigger things.
Focus on bigger things – yes, I welcome that. In fact, I don’t even think I’m stretching to my full capabilities yet. Surprisingly, my boss agreed.
Take away my current responsibilities – I’m not so sure. Those are my babies. My territory and I don’t want anyone to come mess it up.
I had an intern whom I thought could help me with some work. To be fair, he did help a bit here and there. But he also messed up things here and there. So that equates to no help nor value add. I was still clearing the mess until two days ago. So no, no thank you.
Again, the issue of initiative pops up.
Ask me how to plan, do and hype up an event – I can and did. Ask me how to write press releases and articles spun from nothing - I can and did. Ask me help the business lines in their projects – I can and did.
So why do I still not meet the blardy KPIs? You said because those things that I did are expected. They are my bread and butter. They are my babies. So they do NOT count.
Huh? For a moment, I thought something in that sounds terribly wrong. Yet, I can’t pinpoint what it was there and then.
Now I know. If they are my bread and butter, and yet, they do not count. What counts? They also take up blardy hell a lot of my effort and time, you know?
I need fresh ideas from you. I need fresh proposals from you. I need to see initiative. So that’s why you fail.
You didn’t employ me as a consultant, you know?
I feel unjustified. Yet, I honestly don’t know what else to say.
How many more fresh ideas or perspective you want from me for, say, a newsletter? Whatever a newsletter can include had been incorporated. Even to the extent of creating more silly tasks for myself in trying to engage people by getting them to do surveys – and writing about it.
So does that mean that if I am given the same KPIs again for next year, I can just sit at one corner and think, ponder, think? No need plan and execute any tangible and measurable work. Cos anyway, you just need fresh and new ideas and proposals.
Ironically, I kind of expected all she said. That’s why I also did not really “argue” or “fight” back. I’m not sure whether it’s because I’m resigned to it or I can’t be bothered or I’m just too tired.
Then again, I know deep down, somehow, my mindset is not right. I lost my aggressiveness and drive, and worse, I know they are depleting every minute and second. That is so NOT me.
And I think I know where the root of the issue lies. I need to be more positive. Mindset. Yes.
I am beginning to entertain weird and paranoid thoughts about my friends. To an extent that sometimes, I honestly suspect I am going nuts and should visit a psychiatrist.
Some friends are irritating me at times. I feel stalked.
I don’t want to feel obligated to have to entertain you. To talk to you. To answer you. To update you on my every move. If I want to, I will. If I don’t want to, or deflect your question, please get the drift and move on.
I think the existence of Facebook is luring all the stalking freaks in each and everyone of us.
That’s bad. Too exposed.
And it is also luring out the self-centredness and egoistic freaks in each and everyone of us. Why else would you be updating your status every now and then? Or posting photos? Or change profile pictures?
When you update that status, or post photos or change profile pictures, aren’t you yearning to see what other people will say about it? Or for some instances, some specific people’s reactions? Attention seekers – aren’t we?
Don’t get me wrong. I’m guilty of it too.
The hibernation freak in me is coming out soon. I feel like getting away soon. Alone. Away.
But of course, I feel blessed I also have many friends whom I trust are true to me. Are sincere and who honestly want the best for me – even when they are not going through a smooth ride themselves. Who can put up with all my nonsense, temper & bitchiness. I honestly don’t know what I will do without them. On the contrary, I feel inadequate. I feel that I am not as tolerant and accommodating towards them as they are towards me.
Again. It boils down to mindset, I guess. And willingness.
It’s kind of a weird feeling to know that two of my close friends have gone through marriage, divorce and are now getting married again – soon.
He once asked me what girls of my age think and talk about. I can’t really remember what my reply was but I think I did mention marriage.
Which is honestly true. Age is really catching up. Even if looks can deceive, your body clock inside won’t lie.
I have friends paying thousands to try to find their Mr Right – but to no avail. They say that the guys they were introduced to really fit every category that they ticked during the interview. Perfect. But somehow, something was amiss and so nothing worked out.
Ahh… chemistry.
I just find it weird that love has to come down to a level of – being a checklist. It’s just sad and somewhat, I don’t know, wrong? And given how the government is trying to push singles to date, I just find the whole issue too theoretical and mechanical. Somehow, something is missing.
Then there was this other case where a friend took all the initiative and the guy responded favourably but yet when she asked if the relationship could possibly be taken to the next level, or whether there is even a possibility for that matter, the answer was, sadly, no. I thought so too. Something must be amiss when she is the one doing all the asking all this while. But she thought that there might be a bit of chance since the guy responded favourably each and every time. But this friend seems to be doing alright, which is good.
And then there is another case which is a total messed up one. In fact, messy is an understatement (word). It’s worse than messy. She should not have stepped into it in the first place and given how things have turned out so far, I honestly think it’s a joke. Let’s just hope it’s not going to be a dead end.
And then there is yet another case where the gal gave her heart, body, soul and money and the guy is now evading her. She might have to turn to ask for some legal help to try get her money back.
But I guess, we are all adults. We should be mature enough to make some sound judgement and should know what we are doing. And whether certain people are worthy of your love and to pursue.
Then again, love is blind. Until you are really hurt and have your heart broken into pieces, or should I say, disintegrated, would you really give up.
And then again, love also makes the world go round. It is the most addictive drug in the whole universe because it has the magical power to make you do things that you may never imagine yourself doing. That’s when all the bashfulness and silliness come in. =D
Woah. Honestly, given all the things that I have heard and known, I think I have more than enough materials to write some love fiction. And maybe turn it into another series like “Sex and the City”. Hah! Singapore true love/lust stories. How about that?
Other random ramblings
Now that 2010 has only two more days, everyone seems to be doing a summary of what they have or have not done this year on their blogs.
Should I do one too, I thought?
It’s kind of sad that my mind drew a blank when I tried to think of what I have achieved this year. Or have not achieved this year.
2009 was a year full of short trips to Malaysia and islands – to enjoy the sun, the sand and the sea.
This year, well… I’ve gone to Bintan in March, Rawa again in May, Batam in June, Hong Kong in August, parts of Europe in November. Supposed to go Bintan again in December but… grrr...
Oh well…
Still not too bad, I suppose – based on my own barometer.
Then again, actually, it doesn’t really matter where I go. It’s my company that makes the trip memorable.
I really prefer going on trips with 1-2 people and spend 24/7 together. Such trips are the only time when mobile phones, Internet, and whatever kind of mobile gadgets and applications can be kept to the minimum. And you really get to spend some face time together. Bonding – I like.
Maybe it got to do with age. While I appreciate my me-time, I am also very grateful for the time spent with people I hold dear and close to my heart as well.
Of course, there are still a handful of people whom I would really like to spend some time with by meeting them more often. Hopefully, I get to do that in 2011.
I stopped dancing for slightly more than three months and I’m going to pick it up again this January. Can’t wait. I actually like the aches and soreness I experience after the lessons. It means I really work my muscles. Hah – I’m a masochist.
I think I would try to cut down on time spent in front of the computer in 2011. I want to go back to reading. Reading books, novels, magazines. That was what I used to do a year ago and I thought I felt more… to put it in very layman terms – felt more substantial inside. Somehow, this year, I think I spent too much time in front of the computer and I felt so bimbotic. Somehow.
And doing cross-stitching. Baking and cooking.
2011 is going to be a better year. All I need is just a positive and determined mindset. And based on my own track record for the past some 30 years (damn!), I know I can do it!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Mafia at work
Something is amiss in the relationship when the conversation goes like this:
“I’ll come over later to your place.”
“Huh? Later?”
“Yes. Where are you now? On the train?”
“Yes, on my way home.”
“OK. I’ll come by your place in the evening.”
“You won’t be at home?”
“Ya… I’m not sure if I can change… …”
“OK then. Let me go run some errands now, I’ll call you later when I’m on my way.”
“Huh? Ok… …”
If one realises, the conversation started with a statement, not a question. And the last part on my uncertainty of having to change my schedule obviously did not register.
What makes you think I am available as and when you want me to?
OK, granted. I spoilt you – because I did make amendments to my plans. So, the root of the issue is ultimately my own doing.
“I’ll come over later to your place.”
“Huh? Later?”
“Yes. Where are you now? On the train?”
“Yes, on my way home.”
“OK. I’ll come by your place in the evening.”
“You won’t be at home?”
“Ya… I’m not sure if I can change… …”
“OK then. Let me go run some errands now, I’ll call you later when I’m on my way.”
“Huh? Ok… …”
If one realises, the conversation started with a statement, not a question. And the last part on my uncertainty of having to change my schedule obviously did not register.
What makes you think I am available as and when you want me to?
OK, granted. I spoilt you – because I did make amendments to my plans. So, the root of the issue is ultimately my own doing.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Starry starry months! **Meltz**
Can't wait for end-January 2011, when's he's here to promote the new movie!
Can't wait for 26 February 2011 either!
OK - the time can just stop there then! =p
Can't wait for 26 February 2011 either!
OK - the time can just stop there then! =p
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Camwhoring at USS
Thursday, December 09, 2010
What’s your dialect group?
It surprises me that my bestie and her hubby-to-be are not really sure of their own parents’ dialect groups.
She said that to me it might be weird. But to them, it’s perfectly normal.
Hmmm… I thought that was kind of sad.
Because this means that the family has never been really closely knitted. In a way.
But I guess, they would even more appreciate each other even more. =) They would form their own closely-knitted family – to make up what they have previously lack.
She said that to me it might be weird. But to them, it’s perfectly normal.
Hmmm… I thought that was kind of sad.
Because this means that the family has never been really closely knitted. In a way.
But I guess, they would even more appreciate each other even more. =) They would form their own closely-knitted family – to make up what they have previously lack.
Girls are complicated creatures.
It’s difficult, or should I say, it takes practice for a guy to know when girls really mean no when they say no.
There are times when I said no, and some guys insisted. Such guys honestly drove me nuts. In the most irritating way. Just go away.
There are times when I said no, but don’t mean it. And the guy really took it at face value. Silly me. Stoopid him.
I asked a guy fren who is married if his wife does it to him. His response?
“All the time! Why?!” *shakes his head*
“So it’s the girls’ fault. We girls should always say what we think, right?”
He actually surprises me with his reply.
“That depends. I guess it is just a girl’s thing. I figured you girls like your guy to pursue things for them. This way, girls feel a sense of importance, or should I say achievement?”
There are times when I said no, and some guys insisted. Such guys honestly drove me nuts. In the most irritating way. Just go away.
There are times when I said no, but don’t mean it. And the guy really took it at face value. Silly me. Stoopid him.
I asked a guy fren who is married if his wife does it to him. His response?
“All the time! Why?!” *shakes his head*
“So it’s the girls’ fault. We girls should always say what we think, right?”
He actually surprises me with his reply.
“That depends. I guess it is just a girl’s thing. I figured you girls like your guy to pursue things for them. This way, girls feel a sense of importance, or should I say achievement?”
Why did you give me up?
You told me you did a very stupid thing. & then you went on to try to explain – bla bla bla... lack of sleep. Bla bla bla… Clash. Bla bla bla… paid ticket. Bla bla bla…
Honestly, while I appreciate the fact that you tried to explain – whether it’s out of genuine admittance of oversight or for show to make yourself feel better– I wasn’t really listening.
Because all I gathered was you chose to give me up. Again.
Honestly, while I appreciate the fact that you tried to explain – whether it’s out of genuine admittance of oversight or for show to make yourself feel better– I wasn’t really listening.
Because all I gathered was you chose to give me up. Again.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
A gem place for some cosy-up affairs
The visit to this place was two weeks late. Hmph.
A rustic and quiet open-concept café and bar, surrounded by lush greenery – a golf course was behind me and greenery was everywhere since next door was a nursery – Lava Edge could possibly be a place for some cosying-up cheeky business.
In fact, when I first saw the sign from afar, I thought it was called Love edge. 
The ambience was definitely good. The background music, the comfy cushioned chairs & the just-right lightings.
I love it.
If not for the inaccessibility and invisibility (yes, this café can be considered invisible because the road leading to it is dark with minimal street lights and signage. One honestly would not have suspected that there was such a café inside), I would have recommended this place to Bloss as one of her choices for her intimate wedding.
When we reached there at about 730 pm, there were only two tables of ang moh couples, having dinner. Perhaps, the overcast sky was to blame for the poor business that night.
We ordered escargots and chickie wings (yes, I’m a sucker for chickie wings!) as appetisers. Pastas were the main course and gosh, were they in huge portions! And quite spicy too, even without shaking in my usual dosage of red and black pepper!
By then, we were super full! I didn’t even manage to finish the tail of my chickie wing and my pasta!
Several more couples and friends in duos and trios started strolling in for drinks after 10 pm.
Dinner was followed by two rounds of drinks – his super potent Mojito and Johnnie Walker on the Rocks, my Bombay-Sapphire Gin Tonic and Wild Boar cocktail (choya plus plum plus dunno what).
Next on the list are two other places. Hmmm… Can’t wait! =)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
This topic of elitism popped up over hi-tea with Bloss one fine day.
Bloss said we are elites. That is why we are not able to understand or tolerate certain idiotic things which simply drive us nuts.
By elites, we mean we are from reputable schools – starting from secondary schools to junior colleges to finally university.
Granted, we are not Harvard nor Stanford graduates but only a lowly humble NTU and NIE graduates. Sounds ironic… but anyway..
She’s from Nanyang Girls. I’m from River Valley. And she is glad that her life partner is from Chinese High. All from special stream.
Because we are from similar qualifications and educational background, the frequency is more similar. We are able to connect better.
And she pointed out that this might be the reason why I always only honestly enjoy only those few people’s company, but always seem to dread the rest.
Which brings her to another point – she does not understand why I still waste time entertaining such people who are totally out of the league and make myself so busy and unhappy…
There was this evening recently when I kinda gatecrashed Bloss and her hubby-to-be’s clique of friends dinner and beer session.
I truly enjoyed myself that evening.
With the kind of things they were blah-ing about, the unsuspectingly-witty jokes they made and the kind of intellectual connection we all made.
And yes, they are all from reputable schools.
I brought this topic up with Nan on another occasion and to my surprise, she, too, agreed.
We are elites.
No, not that we are arrogant. But our train of thoughts and the way we are brought up and taught are just different.
That – I agreed. The difference is rather obvious in university when you get to mix with people from other junior colleges (apart from those top few) or polytechnics. Less so when you are working, but there IS a difference.
Not sure how to put it into words – but it is just different.
That said, Nan said that somehow, she fails to find the sense of “elitism-pride” in me these days. I seem to be OK to make friends out of “our league”.
But I defended myself in saying that everyone has some positive traits or characteristics that you can learn from.
Even some of the richest millionaires you see on papers these days claim they are drop-outs from school.
Yes – but they are the minority. And that is because they are already born with the brains and they have the tenacity. Nan argued. How many of these drop outs actually make it big?
Bird of the same feathers flock together.
Look at the kind of people you recently attract and hang out with (apart from the few of us), and you should know by now you are mixing with the wrong company.
I guess I understand where my friends are coming from.
Because when you mix with the "wrong" company, you need to bring yourself lower to their level, and if this continues for some time, the (low) level would become norm for me. Which is unacceptable. People only move up. They don't and shouldn't move down.
Fair enough.
This somehow reminded me of what J used to chide me, when he said he could not understand why a Hwa Chongian could hang out with people from Jurong JC. And that he used to tell me to mix only with the “right” people.
And look at the few of us. We are all established in our career now, in one way or another. Do you think you have achieved that? If the answer is no, you just need to find that competitive streak that you used to have back in you. Fast. Nan reminded. In fact, you always have it. But I don't know why you seem to suppress it...
Hmmm... I think it would be easy to find back that competitive streak. But I would also like to find back my sense of “elitism-pride”, and mix with the “right” people... ...
Hmmm... some food for thoughts for me...
Bloss said we are elites. That is why we are not able to understand or tolerate certain idiotic things which simply drive us nuts.
By elites, we mean we are from reputable schools – starting from secondary schools to junior colleges to finally university.
Granted, we are not Harvard nor Stanford graduates but only a lowly humble NTU and NIE graduates. Sounds ironic… but anyway..
She’s from Nanyang Girls. I’m from River Valley. And she is glad that her life partner is from Chinese High. All from special stream.
Because we are from similar qualifications and educational background, the frequency is more similar. We are able to connect better.
And she pointed out that this might be the reason why I always only honestly enjoy only those few people’s company, but always seem to dread the rest.
Which brings her to another point – she does not understand why I still waste time entertaining such people who are totally out of the league and make myself so busy and unhappy…
There was this evening recently when I kinda gatecrashed Bloss and her hubby-to-be’s clique of friends dinner and beer session.
I truly enjoyed myself that evening.
With the kind of things they were blah-ing about, the unsuspectingly-witty jokes they made and the kind of intellectual connection we all made.
And yes, they are all from reputable schools.
I brought this topic up with Nan on another occasion and to my surprise, she, too, agreed.
We are elites.
No, not that we are arrogant. But our train of thoughts and the way we are brought up and taught are just different.
That – I agreed. The difference is rather obvious in university when you get to mix with people from other junior colleges (apart from those top few) or polytechnics. Less so when you are working, but there IS a difference.
Not sure how to put it into words – but it is just different.
That said, Nan said that somehow, she fails to find the sense of “elitism-pride” in me these days. I seem to be OK to make friends out of “our league”.
But I defended myself in saying that everyone has some positive traits or characteristics that you can learn from.
Even some of the richest millionaires you see on papers these days claim they are drop-outs from school.
Yes – but they are the minority. And that is because they are already born with the brains and they have the tenacity. Nan argued. How many of these drop outs actually make it big?
Bird of the same feathers flock together.
Look at the kind of people you recently attract and hang out with (apart from the few of us), and you should know by now you are mixing with the wrong company.
I guess I understand where my friends are coming from.
Because when you mix with the "wrong" company, you need to bring yourself lower to their level, and if this continues for some time, the (low) level would become norm for me. Which is unacceptable. People only move up. They don't and shouldn't move down.
Fair enough.
This somehow reminded me of what J used to chide me, when he said he could not understand why a Hwa Chongian could hang out with people from Jurong JC. And that he used to tell me to mix only with the “right” people.
And look at the few of us. We are all established in our career now, in one way or another. Do you think you have achieved that? If the answer is no, you just need to find that competitive streak that you used to have back in you. Fast. Nan reminded. In fact, you always have it. But I don't know why you seem to suppress it...
Hmmm... I think it would be easy to find back that competitive streak. But I would also like to find back my sense of “elitism-pride”, and mix with the “right” people... ...
Hmmm... some food for thoughts for me...
Friday, October 15, 2010
当你明知你已不够睡眠 ,还有排山倒海的工作要赶,但他一通电话或一个简讯,你还是抽得出时间帮他找资料和处理一些琐碎的事情。
你应该知道这不是傻, 而是笨。 而且是笨到无药可救了。
这也叫着 ~ 自作自受。
当你明知你已不够睡眠 ,还有排山倒海的工作要赶,但他一通电话或一个简讯,你还是抽得出时间帮他找资料和处理一些琐碎的事情。
你应该知道这不是傻, 而是笨。 而且是笨到无药可救了。
这也叫着 ~ 自作自受。
X: 我承认,我确实有被他吸引到。但他是块大木头,完全不解风情。。。
Y: 但你要知道,通常会解风情的男生,大半也是情场高手,靠不住。
X: 对呀。可是,我觉得他把我所做的当作理所当然。 其实问题不在我身上。问题是他根本没把我放在心上。。。所以,我必须自己作出决定。
Y: 但你要知道,通常会解风情的男生,大半也是情场高手,靠不住。
X: 对呀。可是,我觉得他把我所做的当作理所当然。 其实问题不在我身上。问题是他根本没把我放在心上。。。所以,我必须自己作出决定。
Sunday, October 10, 2010
我也可以接受 。
为什么你却似记 似忘记?
是你自己说 我们说好的。
是因为我好骗 ,还是我容易哄?
我也可以接受 。
为什么你却似记 似忘记?
是你自己说 我们说好的。
是因为我好骗 ,还是我容易哄?
Monday, October 04, 2010
- 爱情是拿来培养和经营的; 不是用来考验的。
- 人言可畏。 不只这样, 有时 ,人为也可怕。 别人的言行举止,你根本就无从捉摸。有时,就连你最亲的人或朋友也可能会做出一些让你屏住呼吸和心脏停止跳动的事,让你一时不知所错,不知怎么去应付。。。
- 我们应该对彼此坦白。 背叛不可能会是意外。
- 幸福是应该努力争取的。 但如果你争取来的幸福是健在别人的痛苦上,你于心何忍?说到底,你最终的决定在于你的价值观。。。
- 有些男人有钱就变坏。没错。 但这类会变坏的男人,没钱也好不到那里去。
Sunday, September 26, 2010
My weekend: extremely exhausted but smiling
I'm exhausted. By the time I reached my 2nd student today, I was honestly feeling the physical strain throughout my whole body.
Guess it's the accumulation of not sleeping well for the entire week, and also due to work load.
Boss is hospitalised due to dengue and this means that the launch tomorrow entirely falls onto my lap.
Packed all the show packs, made parteh hats and prepared the games all by myself on Friday night.
Oh, and SC was really very sweet. She knew I was hoping to get anyone who was going down for dinner to 顺便buy me some bites. And she offered to do so - even though she was not getting any food herself; meaning, she really just went down to buy dinner for me! And she made sure I had my dinner before she left for the day.
I honestly thought that was very sweet. =)
And it's weird. Usually, the colleagues from Asset Management and Valuation would stay till wee hours, but not that night. By about 9 pm, everyone was gone for the weekend.
And I only had the ear-piercing vrrooom of the F1 car engines downstairs to accompany me.
Bloss and D sms-ed me every now and then through the night to check on me. And AW kept me company via msn too. And I honestly thought those gestures were very sweet.
I love my friends.
Went for brunch with YX. Supposed to give him a belated birthday treat but he ended up paying. Oops. He told me that I can treat him to Si Chuan Dou Hua the next time. Wah rau...
I'm lucky that he drove me to some industrial estate near Bendemeer to pick up my costumes needed for the launch, and had wanted to drive me back to office. But he was already running very late for his next appointment, so I insisted that I could make my way back to office myself.
Thereafter, I went shopping for the launch gifts at Raffles City. And it was a surprise to hear from Bloss who checked on me again!
And at the very moment when I thought I was breaking down very soon -- with the heavy things I was lugging with me and my arms were breaking + the thought of the things waiting for me in the Boardroom and it was already 430 pm.
Ahhh... My bestie. :) Telepathy always works for us. So schweet.
And she sms-ed me again at 730 pm to make sure I was not still trying to work out my circus. Her sms made me laugh out loud. It's a carnival, my dear. Not circus!! Bleah!
He also msg-ed me after his game session to ask where I was. Was 80 per cent expecting that he would tell me the same old thing again - that he feels tired and nua after his game and not meet me. So, it was nice when he called to tell me to stay put and that he would come to meet me for dinner.
And on our way back, he passed me one whole tube of Vitamin C and asked me to make sure I pop some the next day, and to get some rest too. He said I better build up my immunity system with loads of Vitamin C now, especially when I am so susceptible to coughs. Ahhh.... That was honestly quite unexpected. =)
Had a bump on my head after knocking into a cupboard door above my head at my student's house. Went to nap after I reached home from tuition. Woke up with swollen eyes and aching body.
Honest. The aches. I need a massage now. Shucks.
Msg my boss to tell her that for some reason, I'm having cold feet. And she replied saying that I have emcee-ed at countless weddings, in front of 300 guests. Tomorrow's show should be chicken feet to me, since it is only to 150 pax. Win lor...
And at a time like this when I should be trying to memorise my script for tomorrow and to run through the entire logistics in my mind, I am blogging instead. And honestly, I also don't know if there is any flow in this entry.
Oh well, I think I better go look at my script now and then go to bed.
It's 6 am at the office tomorrow. And like what my boss told me, it's show time tomorrow!
Guess it's the accumulation of not sleeping well for the entire week, and also due to work load.
Boss is hospitalised due to dengue and this means that the launch tomorrow entirely falls onto my lap.
Packed all the show packs, made parteh hats and prepared the games all by myself on Friday night.
Oh, and SC was really very sweet. She knew I was hoping to get anyone who was going down for dinner to 顺便buy me some bites. And she offered to do so - even though she was not getting any food herself; meaning, she really just went down to buy dinner for me! And she made sure I had my dinner before she left for the day.
I honestly thought that was very sweet. =)
And it's weird. Usually, the colleagues from Asset Management and Valuation would stay till wee hours, but not that night. By about 9 pm, everyone was gone for the weekend.
And I only had the ear-piercing vrrooom of the F1 car engines downstairs to accompany me.
Bloss and D sms-ed me every now and then through the night to check on me. And AW kept me company via msn too. And I honestly thought those gestures were very sweet.
I love my friends.
Went for brunch with YX. Supposed to give him a belated birthday treat but he ended up paying. Oops. He told me that I can treat him to Si Chuan Dou Hua the next time. Wah rau...
I'm lucky that he drove me to some industrial estate near Bendemeer to pick up my costumes needed for the launch, and had wanted to drive me back to office. But he was already running very late for his next appointment, so I insisted that I could make my way back to office myself.
Thereafter, I went shopping for the launch gifts at Raffles City. And it was a surprise to hear from Bloss who checked on me again!
And at the very moment when I thought I was breaking down very soon -- with the heavy things I was lugging with me and my arms were breaking + the thought of the things waiting for me in the Boardroom and it was already 430 pm.
Ahhh... My bestie. :) Telepathy always works for us. So schweet.
And she sms-ed me again at 730 pm to make sure I was not still trying to work out my circus. Her sms made me laugh out loud. It's a carnival, my dear. Not circus!! Bleah!
He also msg-ed me after his game session to ask where I was. Was 80 per cent expecting that he would tell me the same old thing again - that he feels tired and nua after his game and not meet me. So, it was nice when he called to tell me to stay put and that he would come to meet me for dinner.
And on our way back, he passed me one whole tube of Vitamin C and asked me to make sure I pop some the next day, and to get some rest too. He said I better build up my immunity system with loads of Vitamin C now, especially when I am so susceptible to coughs. Ahhh.... That was honestly quite unexpected. =)
Had a bump on my head after knocking into a cupboard door above my head at my student's house. Went to nap after I reached home from tuition. Woke up with swollen eyes and aching body.
Honest. The aches. I need a massage now. Shucks.
Msg my boss to tell her that for some reason, I'm having cold feet. And she replied saying that I have emcee-ed at countless weddings, in front of 300 guests. Tomorrow's show should be chicken feet to me, since it is only to 150 pax. Win lor...
And at a time like this when I should be trying to memorise my script for tomorrow and to run through the entire logistics in my mind, I am blogging instead. And honestly, I also don't know if there is any flow in this entry.
Oh well, I think I better go look at my script now and then go to bed.
It's 6 am at the office tomorrow. And like what my boss told me, it's show time tomorrow!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
够了。 这真的是底线了。
多站在别人的角度了解为何他(她)会作出他(她)的选择,多一点包容和体谅,也许你也会显得更英俊 / 漂亮,大方。
如果身边的人,因为知道你会生气,也知道你一定会用某一种口吻示你的不满, 而因此提心吊胆,怕前怕后不敢跟你商量;那么,这样的关系,长久下来,真的好累人。
说真的,不要也罢。。 。
口吻, 语气很重要。 切记。
多站在别人的角度了解为何他(她)会作出他(她)的选择,多一点包容和体谅,也许你也会显得更英俊 / 漂亮,大方。
如果身边的人,因为知道你会生气,也知道你一定会用某一种口吻示你的不满, 而因此提心吊胆,怕前怕后不敢跟你商量;那么,这样的关系,长久下来,真的好累人。
说真的,不要也罢。。 。
口吻, 语气很重要。 切记。
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Dinner was nice, as usual. And super duper filling.
I wonder why we always end up having Chinese food… I thought he mentioned western food this time...
We ended up at Paradise Inn near his home and again, we ordered more than what we could finish.
Verdict: It is dangerous to order when you are starving because everything on the menu will just look so delectable and yummy!
We ordered the triple-egg prawns (which were so damn good. Not to mention, extremely sinful too! And I had wanted to lick the plate clean.), stewed bittergourd with pork ribs in fermented black bean sauce (which is his mum’s favourite dish), toufu (which I wanted) and seafood fried rice.
The fragrant floral tea, which comprises forget-me-not, lavender and some other flower petals, helped little in digestion.
**mood: happy and satisfied**
I was reminded, the night before and in the day, not to drink too much and stay out too late because I was – strictly speaking – still sick and on medication. I needed the rest if I were to be 100 per cent well the following week.
I agreed and I swore I really meant to leave after dinner and 1-2 glasses of beer.
And I even reminded one colleague during lunch that I would leave at about 11 pm the latest, and mentioned again during dinner to the entire company that I was sick and they could not bully me by making me drink so much.
But somehow, along the way, I forgot. The beer was quite thirst quenching and so down 1 glass, 2 glasses, so on and so forth.
It did not help when the pub started to play retro music. Retro can get me high easily – even without the influence of alcohol.
And of course, it did not help also when everyone got high. No one remembered I was – and still am – sick.
The star of the evening ordered tequila shots and B32…
And then all of a sudden, I felt nauseous and the world was spinning.
I knew I could not move. The moment I tried, I knew I would puke. I tried to control. But the nauseous feeling was getting worse and I decided I needed to get it all out of my system if I wanted to get out and home.
I moved. And the next thing I knew, all came out from my throat.
I was given a big black trash bag thereafter and I still managed to fill up quarter of it. Woah. That’s quite a lot of puke.
It was my first time that I drank until I puked.
Big mistake.
I actually managed to dial his number in the midst of puking and all. Thought of asking him to come and pick me up. But I decided to cancel the call a few seconds later, because I could sense more puke coming and I couldn’t even talk properly then.
The next day… I was “scolded” left right centre, followed by dead silence, because I could find no legitimate reason to talk back...
“I thought you were just very sick a few days before and were on 3-day MC? Weren’t you on medication? How could you drink so much? I thought I told you to leave earlier and go home to rest.”
“Why didn’t your colleagues stop you from drinking? Don’t your colleagues know you are sick and are on medication? So how could they allow and encourage you to drink so much? Drink until puke some more… Your body is still weak and that’s why it could not handle the alcohol intake that you normally can take. I thought you would exercise more judgment and common sense than that…”
This was the bulk of what was berated at me.
Hmm… Ya, in retrospect, I guess everyone got high and no one, including myself, remembered I was sick. And ya, I totally agree I should have exercised more judgment and common sense.
And I know if I were with him or in the company of my close friends, they would definitely have my health and well-being in top of mind and they would stop me from drinking so much. And I would definitely be safe.
Oh well…
Anyway, I don’t think there will be any similar gathering soon… And if there is, I think I am barred from attending them. At least for now.
But in any case, George, all the best to you in your next career step!
**mood: guilty**
I wonder why we always end up having Chinese food… I thought he mentioned western food this time...
We ended up at Paradise Inn near his home and again, we ordered more than what we could finish.
Verdict: It is dangerous to order when you are starving because everything on the menu will just look so delectable and yummy!
We ordered the triple-egg prawns (which were so damn good. Not to mention, extremely sinful too! And I had wanted to lick the plate clean.), stewed bittergourd with pork ribs in fermented black bean sauce (which is his mum’s favourite dish), toufu (which I wanted) and seafood fried rice.

Nonetheless, of course, our evening is never complete without our little sweet indulgences at my favourite place – or so he said.
Ahh… that was nice. I actually thought he would have conveniently forgotten or totally dismisses the idea.
**mood: happy and satisfied**
I was reminded, the night before and in the day, not to drink too much and stay out too late because I was – strictly speaking – still sick and on medication. I needed the rest if I were to be 100 per cent well the following week.
I agreed and I swore I really meant to leave after dinner and 1-2 glasses of beer.
And I even reminded one colleague during lunch that I would leave at about 11 pm the latest, and mentioned again during dinner to the entire company that I was sick and they could not bully me by making me drink so much.
But somehow, along the way, I forgot. The beer was quite thirst quenching and so down 1 glass, 2 glasses, so on and so forth.
It did not help when the pub started to play retro music. Retro can get me high easily – even without the influence of alcohol.
And of course, it did not help also when everyone got high. No one remembered I was – and still am – sick.
The star of the evening ordered tequila shots and B32…
And then all of a sudden, I felt nauseous and the world was spinning.
I knew I could not move. The moment I tried, I knew I would puke. I tried to control. But the nauseous feeling was getting worse and I decided I needed to get it all out of my system if I wanted to get out and home.
I moved. And the next thing I knew, all came out from my throat.
I was given a big black trash bag thereafter and I still managed to fill up quarter of it. Woah. That’s quite a lot of puke.
It was my first time that I drank until I puked.
Big mistake.
I actually managed to dial his number in the midst of puking and all. Thought of asking him to come and pick me up. But I decided to cancel the call a few seconds later, because I could sense more puke coming and I couldn’t even talk properly then.
The next day… I was “scolded” left right centre, followed by dead silence, because I could find no legitimate reason to talk back...
“I thought you were just very sick a few days before and were on 3-day MC? Weren’t you on medication? How could you drink so much? I thought I told you to leave earlier and go home to rest.”
“Why didn’t your colleagues stop you from drinking? Don’t your colleagues know you are sick and are on medication? So how could they allow and encourage you to drink so much? Drink until puke some more… Your body is still weak and that’s why it could not handle the alcohol intake that you normally can take. I thought you would exercise more judgment and common sense than that…”
This was the bulk of what was berated at me.
Hmm… Ya, in retrospect, I guess everyone got high and no one, including myself, remembered I was sick. And ya, I totally agree I should have exercised more judgment and common sense.
And I know if I were with him or in the company of my close friends, they would definitely have my health and well-being in top of mind and they would stop me from drinking so much. And I would definitely be safe.
Oh well…
Anyway, I don’t think there will be any similar gathering soon… And if there is, I think I am barred from attending them. At least for now.
But in any case, George, all the best to you in your next career step!
**mood: guilty**
Sunday, July 18, 2010
A weekend of dance, dance and dance!
If only I could spin like a ballerina again!
Got the free tics for Ballet Under the Stars from Human Resources, and within a few minutes, gathered a group of 7 and off we went to watch ballet performance and stars gazing...
As it was a Friday evening, everything was done in a rush... We had to make do with fast-food dinner, chips and mineral water.
For a group of people who enjoys picnic-ing and very into picnics, this was considered a very slipshod effort. Nonetheless, we enjoyed ourselves and the performance.
The only effort thing we brought with us this time round ~ a bottle of dessert wine in a wine holder and ice... Where's our cheese platter? Strawberries, grapes? Cheesecakes? Chips? Sushi? All missing in action...
But in any case, we decided to go to a proper picnic very soon again! Looking forward!
Now... This was supposed to be a blog about the dance... and all I was blabbering about was the picnic and food... Oops...
Thought the male lead dancer was a bit stout and fat though... Oops... and we could not figure out why they were wearing SHORT tights instead of long ones... Rather unsightly, we thought...
One of the questions that popped up during the performance was "what happens if it is the time of the month for the female ballerinas?"
Wouldn't that be very uncomfortable? And also, for the guys to carry them up and down.... hmmm...
And they all turned to look at me for the answer... since I guessed I was the only person who dance in the group.
But the question kind of threw me back, because it was never an issue before at all...
"Huh? Just as per normal la... You still lift up your leg and do whatever as per normal, I guess... If not, how? As for the guys who carry you and place you above their heads... erm... like that lor! That's too bad... what to do? But the girls must practise own personal hygiene and make sure you don't smell la... hmmm..."
Sigh... It has been a very long time since I last did an en pointe and I'm pretty sure I can't do a proper one now anymore... Ever since I had a very bad sprain at my left ankle when I was 15, and the 跌打师傅 says I should no longer do an en pointe and dance anymore. Oh well....
Sachoom ~ the Korean Dancical, 80 minutes of dynamic dancing
This performance was a blast.
The Korean dancers were totally awesome. And so cute!!! And sexy!
It was honestly one of the most awesome-st dance performance I ever attended, that had all the audience totally high and engaged, and they turned the entire Esplanade theatre into a major dancing hall! How cool is that?
The wow factor was absolutely undeniable and it was totally infectious!
Also, it was the only performance at the Esplanade that allowed its audience to video tape or take photographs throughout the performance.
I was kinda skeptical abt that at first, but when I saw flashlights going off, I took out my camera to video... But when I came home to watch, somehow, the video did the performance injustice. Hah... must be me la.. dunno how to capture...
Wanted to upload one of the videos - but the uploading took so long... Oh well...
Oh oh, and it was one of the rare performances that had me sitting at the edge of my seat and totally mesmerized by all the moves and music and dancers!
So happy that I went to catch it! Worth every cent of the ticket.
And so, when it was announced that there would be a photograph session with the dancers, you coul imagine how my eyes immediately lit up!
And upon seeing the crowd, I frowned and decided not to be a friendly and polite girl for that few minutes, and squeezed my way to the front... I think I didn't even do that during Lam Fung's autograph session man...
The unruly crowd, all of whom wanted to take a photo with the dancers...
With one of the male lead dancers, Choi Him Chan, who really has a very nice bod! Swoonz...
The other male lead dancer, Choi Sung UK, is the one in the background... Wanted to take photo with him too, but when it was my turn, some auntie came and said, "Sorry, the dancers need to rest now... no more photos!" Upset!!!
With one of the female lead dancers (left), Kim Hyo Jung, as well as one of the sexy dancers, Oh In (right)
*And yes, I caught you.. Stop staring at Ms Kim's chest... Heee..
With some other dancers, (from left to right) Jin So Jeong whom we think is honestly one of the better female dancers. She's so flexible and fluid! Mun Sun Woo and Choi Joo Hwan (the guy in white), who does all the challenging moves so effortlessly! Gosh... Oh, and don't you think Mr Choi look a bit like Vanness Wu?
With another male dancer, Lee Yong Seok. I thought he has those Korean stars look... hah!
Got the free tics for Ballet Under the Stars from Human Resources, and within a few minutes, gathered a group of 7 and off we went to watch ballet performance and stars gazing...
As it was a Friday evening, everything was done in a rush... We had to make do with fast-food dinner, chips and mineral water.
For a group of people who enjoys picnic-ing and very into picnics, this was considered a very slipshod effort. Nonetheless, we enjoyed ourselves and the performance.
The only effort thing we brought with us this time round ~ a bottle of dessert wine in a wine holder and ice... Where's our cheese platter? Strawberries, grapes? Cheesecakes? Chips? Sushi? All missing in action...
But in any case, we decided to go to a proper picnic very soon again! Looking forward!
Now... This was supposed to be a blog about the dance... and all I was blabbering about was the picnic and food... Oops...
Thought the male lead dancer was a bit stout and fat though... Oops... and we could not figure out why they were wearing SHORT tights instead of long ones... Rather unsightly, we thought...
One of the questions that popped up during the performance was "what happens if it is the time of the month for the female ballerinas?"
Wouldn't that be very uncomfortable? And also, for the guys to carry them up and down.... hmmm...
And they all turned to look at me for the answer... since I guessed I was the only person who dance in the group.
But the question kind of threw me back, because it was never an issue before at all...
"Huh? Just as per normal la... You still lift up your leg and do whatever as per normal, I guess... If not, how? As for the guys who carry you and place you above their heads... erm... like that lor! That's too bad... what to do? But the girls must practise own personal hygiene and make sure you don't smell la... hmmm..."
Sigh... It has been a very long time since I last did an en pointe and I'm pretty sure I can't do a proper one now anymore... Ever since I had a very bad sprain at my left ankle when I was 15, and the 跌打师傅 says I should no longer do an en pointe and dance anymore. Oh well....
Sachoom ~ the Korean Dancical, 80 minutes of dynamic dancing
This performance was a blast.
The Korean dancers were totally awesome. And so cute!!! And sexy!
It was honestly one of the most awesome-st dance performance I ever attended, that had all the audience totally high and engaged, and they turned the entire Esplanade theatre into a major dancing hall! How cool is that?
The wow factor was absolutely undeniable and it was totally infectious!
Also, it was the only performance at the Esplanade that allowed its audience to video tape or take photographs throughout the performance.
I was kinda skeptical abt that at first, but when I saw flashlights going off, I took out my camera to video... But when I came home to watch, somehow, the video did the performance injustice. Hah... must be me la.. dunno how to capture...
Wanted to upload one of the videos - but the uploading took so long... Oh well...
Oh oh, and it was one of the rare performances that had me sitting at the edge of my seat and totally mesmerized by all the moves and music and dancers!
So happy that I went to catch it! Worth every cent of the ticket.
And so, when it was announced that there would be a photograph session with the dancers, you coul imagine how my eyes immediately lit up!
And upon seeing the crowd, I frowned and decided not to be a friendly and polite girl for that few minutes, and squeezed my way to the front... I think I didn't even do that during Lam Fung's autograph session man...
The unruly crowd, all of whom wanted to take a photo with the dancers...
With one of the male lead dancers, Choi Him Chan, who really has a very nice bod! Swoonz...
The other male lead dancer, Choi Sung UK, is the one in the background... Wanted to take photo with him too, but when it was my turn, some auntie came and said, "Sorry, the dancers need to rest now... no more photos!" Upset!!!
With one of the female lead dancers (left), Kim Hyo Jung, as well as one of the sexy dancers, Oh In (right)
*And yes, I caught you.. Stop staring at Ms Kim's chest... Heee..
With some other dancers, (from left to right) Jin So Jeong whom we think is honestly one of the better female dancers. She's so flexible and fluid! Mun Sun Woo and Choi Joo Hwan (the guy in white), who does all the challenging moves so effortlessly! Gosh... Oh, and don't you think Mr Choi look a bit like Vanness Wu?
With another male dancer, Lee Yong Seok. I thought he has those Korean stars look... hah!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
My two passions...
Think my neighbour is letting their little girl learn piano. Been hearing her playing random notes on the piano these days - even late at night at 11 plus...
I've always loved the piano. And seeing a beautiful grand piano still makes my heart skip a beat.
Even though I did not complete the eight grades... Stopped at Grade 7 for practical and Grade 6 for theory. Failed my Grade 5 theory once some more. Was scolded left-right-centre by my mum when she learnt of it. Hah!
Refused to let my mum sell my piano away. And I would still get very upset when I realised new scratches on my piano. And would ^#$^*% at my mum and brother.
When the last time I really played it was... hmmm... last year?
I love dance. Been dancing since young.
Chinese dance. Still remember I would take Bus 99 to Boon Lay Community Centre to learn dance with three of my cousins every Sunday. Class starts at 7 pm, ends at 9 pm.
And occasionally, we would go have McDonald's for dinner. That was simply pure bliss for a 10-year-old kid.
Simple things. Simple happiness.
We were kinda close to our teacher. He was our Dance teacher in primary school too.
He passed away when I was in Sec 4. My mum and cousins didn't tell me - for fear I would be very much affected.
Was still in dance society in secondary school. It was then that I came into contact with contemporary dance, ballet and still totally love them...
We even choreographed on our own a contemporary dance with this music -->Kitaro's Matsuri. For teachers' day celebration. Matsuri (祭) is the Japanese word for a festival or holiday.
Got rave feedback from all schoolmates. They simply love our dance and the music.
Yes, me too.
I miss contemporary dance. But realised my body is not as flexible as it used to be... I can't even do a proper split now, without yelping in pain. It is kind of depressing when I can even feel the hamstrings pulling when I do simple stretching. Big TSK.
Trying to satisfy my dancing craving through my exotic dance classes. But, hmmm... it's just different.
Sultry sexiness versus poised elegance. I prefer the latter.
I've always loved the piano. And seeing a beautiful grand piano still makes my heart skip a beat.
Even though I did not complete the eight grades... Stopped at Grade 7 for practical and Grade 6 for theory. Failed my Grade 5 theory once some more. Was scolded left-right-centre by my mum when she learnt of it. Hah!
Refused to let my mum sell my piano away. And I would still get very upset when I realised new scratches on my piano. And would ^#$^*% at my mum and brother.
When the last time I really played it was... hmmm... last year?
I love dance. Been dancing since young.
Chinese dance. Still remember I would take Bus 99 to Boon Lay Community Centre to learn dance with three of my cousins every Sunday. Class starts at 7 pm, ends at 9 pm.
And occasionally, we would go have McDonald's for dinner. That was simply pure bliss for a 10-year-old kid.
Simple things. Simple happiness.
We were kinda close to our teacher. He was our Dance teacher in primary school too.
He passed away when I was in Sec 4. My mum and cousins didn't tell me - for fear I would be very much affected.
Was still in dance society in secondary school. It was then that I came into contact with contemporary dance, ballet and still totally love them...
We even choreographed on our own a contemporary dance with this music -->Kitaro's Matsuri. For teachers' day celebration. Matsuri (祭) is the Japanese word for a festival or holiday.
Got rave feedback from all schoolmates. They simply love our dance and the music.
Yes, me too.
I miss contemporary dance. But realised my body is not as flexible as it used to be... I can't even do a proper split now, without yelping in pain. It is kind of depressing when I can even feel the hamstrings pulling when I do simple stretching. Big TSK.
Trying to satisfy my dancing craving through my exotic dance classes. But, hmmm... it's just different.
Sultry sexiness versus poised elegance. I prefer the latter.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
A preview to 女人心语录 3
Been doing some random reading a bit here and there, plus with the "right"emo mood... there are certain random thoughts that came to mind...
Just didn't have the time to re-arrange my random thoughts and pen it all down... but some that are still stuck in my mind are as follows... so here's a little preview...
其实对方不喜欢你,你再怎么追也没用。 对方喜欢你,根本不需要挖空心思去追。
吝啬是男人的大忌。有人抱怨女人只爱男人的钱,其实也并不一定是这样。女人喜欢男人为她花钱,有时候是为了证实自己在男人心目中的位置。 男人如果喜欢一个女人,应该一定愿意为她花钱的。这就是女人的逻辑。
当然,每次只会花男人的钱的女人,男人千万要不得。 真心爱你的女人,自然也会心疼你赚钱的辛苦,也一定会对你的钱包手下留情。
Just didn't have the time to re-arrange my random thoughts and pen it all down... but some that are still stuck in my mind are as follows... so here's a little preview...
其实对方不喜欢你,你再怎么追也没用。 对方喜欢你,根本不需要挖空心思去追。
吝啬是男人的大忌。有人抱怨女人只爱男人的钱,其实也并不一定是这样。女人喜欢男人为她花钱,有时候是为了证实自己在男人心目中的位置。 男人如果喜欢一个女人,应该一定愿意为她花钱的。这就是女人的逻辑。
当然,每次只会花男人的钱的女人,男人千万要不得。 真心爱你的女人,自然也会心疼你赚钱的辛苦,也一定会对你的钱包手下留情。
Friday, June 25, 2010
Some random snapshots up on Level 69 @ Swissotel ~ 23 June
Me and my girls...
Somehow, they don't look quite pretty on print... One unpopular male colleague walked past my workstation, and caught a glimpse of this photo when I was showing it to other two colleagues and he went "All your models cannot make it!" How rude!
Hmm... But I agree la... this year's models dun seem to quite make the cut. The girl on the extreme right was a last-minute replacement when the girl I originally selected was on MC. Still remembered I told the agency that I don't want her - cos I find her look a bit old and erm... not pretty... And the agency surprised me by telling me that she's only 22 years old! Oops!
I love balls!
I mean the mini country soccer balls la... (really thanks to Agnes for passing me the Adidas contact!) A photo taken by my graphic designer when we were squatting in one corner unwrapping all the corporate gifts.
I was rambling something off about the poster to my graphic designer when he went snapping. So ugly! hahaha
Looking for...
Somehow, my graphic designer says he likes this photo he caught me in, though I don't like it at all. My face is so FAT! Darn.. Think it's time for diet ... again!
Sunday, June 06, 2010
My weekend ~ 5-6 June 2010
I planned to work on my global release yesterday. I didn’t.
I planned to work on my global release today. I didn’t.
I’m supposed to do some research and prepare myself for the interview. I didn’t.
I thought I would be freaking out by now. I didn’t.
I surprised myself with the thought that things will eventually work out.
Somehow. Some way. I hope.
But who am I trying to kid?
I think having twins are are lot of trouble.
I do not really know how to handle two at the same time.
Especially with one being more chatty and having a glib tongue,
While the other is more reserved and do things step by step.
I find myself preferring the latter. Even if he appears to be comparatively slower in learning.
And I start to wonder if their parents show favouritism.
Three consecutive tuition lessons on a Sunday
From 9.30 am to 3.30 pm straight
Without breakfast and lunch
Is tiring.
I felt bad having to leave the group early, just when the party started.
But I know I would make the same decision, if it happens again.
I’m glad he swung by to pick me up & bring me to enjoy both our indulgence.
I know I would much prefer and enjoy quieter time with him,
Than to act enthusiastic and drowning in beer at the party.
I do not really like to hang around too much with my colleagues after work these days.
I’ve seen them for 5 days, minimally 40 hrs each week.
That’s more than enough.
That is why I am now not usually keen anymore
When colleagues asked to go party together after work on Fridays,
Or even meet on Saturdays.
Get your own life. Give your other friends a little of your time too.
Junie babe's wedding at The Marina Bay Sands
She looked ravishing in her first white gown.
Tuesday, June 01, 2010
I got dumped.
I got dumped along West Coast Highway. Just outside the Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre.
At about 6 pm. Today.
All I saw were trucks and cars wheezing past, with no cabs in sight.
Alright, there was a bus stop, but God knew when they would actually arrive.
Grumbled to myself how he could really abandon me here, even after I tried to offer to follow him to the workshop.
That is, if his car could last all the way to wherever that workshop was.
Granted. He called to check if I managed to hop into a cab a few minutes after.
But still.
Wondered why I allowed him to make the decision for me, and agreed to let him send me back.
Only to get dumped. With a mixture of feelings.
More of worry, rounding that up with the feeling of being forsaken.
I got dumped along West Coast Highway. Just outside the Pasir Panjang Wholesale Centre.
At about 6 pm. Today.
All I saw were trucks and cars wheezing past, with no cabs in sight.
Alright, there was a bus stop, but God knew when they would actually arrive.
Grumbled to myself how he could really abandon me here, even after I tried to offer to follow him to the workshop.
That is, if his car could last all the way to wherever that workshop was.
Granted. He called to check if I managed to hop into a cab a few minutes after.
But still.
Wondered why I allowed him to make the decision for me, and agreed to let him send me back.
Only to get dumped. With a mixture of feelings.
More of worry, rounding that up with the feeling of being forsaken.
Monday, May 24, 2010
La la la...
Taking a step at a time
walking hand in hand
1 2 3 4
cheek to cheek...
And that learning how to do that dance
Let this love be forever...
I wish for this...
to be true for you and me...
世界太复杂 你说单纯很难
walking hand in hand
1 2 3 4
cheek to cheek...
And that learning how to do that dance
Let this love be forever...
I wish for this...
to be true for you and me...
世界太复杂 你说单纯很难
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Snippets - May 2010
I don’t know if it is an age thingie or what – but these days, I have several guy friends and even acquaintances telling me point blank straight in the face that I am a very attractive lady.
I actually thought it was a bit too much of a compliment to receive recently. I may get super air-headed. Hah.
Maybe, now that we are older and more comfortable with who we are, we tend to just say things upfront.
Anyway, I’ve also learnt to just smile and thank them, and quickly move on to other topics.
Yes, I admit it definitely brightens up your day to receive such compliments, particularly from guys; but I guess, unless the person(s) matter(s) to me, such compliments honestly have little effect on me.
That’s cos I know I am attractive in my own way. In fact, everyone is.
And as cliché as it sounds, I still think beauty comes from within and coupled that with confidence nd total comfy with who you are (and that includes knowing and admitting to your own flaws), you will be attractive.
But, don't be stingy and keep the compliments coming! (hah. see? told you i might just get super bimbotic...)
Received a call from a headhunter last Friday. And he hoped to be able to receive my CV by Sunday so that he can expedite the entire thing…
Which is good. I have always wanted to update my CV for the longest time anyway, but never really got around doing it. And it's not professional if I already agreed to the deadline and come up with excuses later...
And so, I "forced" myself to do it, amid my zzz-ness.
But come to think of it, I wonder how much faith I can place in this guy. In fact, he kinda got scolded by me because he actually called my office line and asked if I could talk.
Too bad, he caught me at a bad time, and I thought he could exercise more common sense into his job. Even if I was available to talk at that time, how was I able to discuss such things with him on the office line? Even if they have to call during office hours, all other headhunters who previously got in touch with me called me on my mobile.
Which makes me wonder – how did all these headhunters get my contact, when I did not put myself out there in the market? I always tried to ask, but of course, all of them just replied me with a “”well, we got our ways. That’s how headhunting works.”
What the…
Anyway, just finished updating my CV. Still not to my own standard of perfection. But I’m feeling too tired… I’ll just send this out and see how it goes first bah…
I really love this shot with Bloss! @ Udders, Goldhill Plaza
I actually thought it was a bit too much of a compliment to receive recently. I may get super air-headed. Hah.
Maybe, now that we are older and more comfortable with who we are, we tend to just say things upfront.
Anyway, I’ve also learnt to just smile and thank them, and quickly move on to other topics.
Yes, I admit it definitely brightens up your day to receive such compliments, particularly from guys; but I guess, unless the person(s) matter(s) to me, such compliments honestly have little effect on me.
That’s cos I know I am attractive in my own way. In fact, everyone is.
And as cliché as it sounds, I still think beauty comes from within and coupled that with confidence nd total comfy with who you are (and that includes knowing and admitting to your own flaws), you will be attractive.
But, don't be stingy and keep the compliments coming! (hah. see? told you i might just get super bimbotic...)
Received a call from a headhunter last Friday. And he hoped to be able to receive my CV by Sunday so that he can expedite the entire thing…
Which is good. I have always wanted to update my CV for the longest time anyway, but never really got around doing it. And it's not professional if I already agreed to the deadline and come up with excuses later...
And so, I "forced" myself to do it, amid my zzz-ness.
But come to think of it, I wonder how much faith I can place in this guy. In fact, he kinda got scolded by me because he actually called my office line and asked if I could talk.
Too bad, he caught me at a bad time, and I thought he could exercise more common sense into his job. Even if I was available to talk at that time, how was I able to discuss such things with him on the office line? Even if they have to call during office hours, all other headhunters who previously got in touch with me called me on my mobile.
Which makes me wonder – how did all these headhunters get my contact, when I did not put myself out there in the market? I always tried to ask, but of course, all of them just replied me with a “”well, we got our ways. That’s how headhunting works.”
What the…
Anyway, just finished updating my CV. Still not to my own standard of perfection. But I’m feeling too tired… I’ll just send this out and see how it goes first bah…
I really love this shot with Bloss! @ Udders, Goldhill Plaza
Stella's birthday cele @ The French Kitchen
Thursday, May 13, 2010
How much would you spend on your buddies' birthday pressies?
Someone is buying his buddy for the longest time a netbook, and then ask me if I wan to share with him.
While I do not mind sharing or chipping in 10-20 percent, since I know his buddy too; I just wonder:
1) That person is his buddy. I am not very close to his buddy. So why are you asking me to share a pressie with you?
2) If you say a netbook is really cheap, it's not. But if you say it is really expensive, it is also not. But a decent netbook should cost about a couple of hundreds, I guess? Would you spend a couple of hundreds on your buddy for the longest time?
Thinking back, I think the most expensive pressies me and my buddies exchange were only about $100?
We would not twitch if you ask us to spend a couple of hundreds on our boyfriends or hubbies; but when it comes to our own jie-mei's birthdays, somehow, we will cap it at $100 the most, and then keep lamenting "very broke, very broke this month..."
And so, when I heard about him buying his buddy a netbook, I was like - wah.. It also makes me wonder about myself and my own friends... Why huh?
Yes.. wah.. I'm jealous.
Because to gals, we buy gifts for guys based on monetary value. So, the more expensive a gift is, the more it goes to show you are important to her.
But this said, this also depends on how much that girl can afford in the first place. S$90 might mean peanuts to you, but it might mean a lot to the girl...
Then again, true friendship can't be measured in terms of monetary value - I know. It's about being there for each other emotionally, physically, mentally, whatever -lly you have...
Actually, I also dunno what I am blabbering about. Suddenly, I find this whole article dun make sense and the thoughts dun flow...
Think I better go zzz soon.
While I do not mind sharing or chipping in 10-20 percent, since I know his buddy too; I just wonder:
1) That person is his buddy. I am not very close to his buddy. So why are you asking me to share a pressie with you?
2) If you say a netbook is really cheap, it's not. But if you say it is really expensive, it is also not. But a decent netbook should cost about a couple of hundreds, I guess? Would you spend a couple of hundreds on your buddy for the longest time?
Thinking back, I think the most expensive pressies me and my buddies exchange were only about $100?
We would not twitch if you ask us to spend a couple of hundreds on our boyfriends or hubbies; but when it comes to our own jie-mei's birthdays, somehow, we will cap it at $100 the most, and then keep lamenting "very broke, very broke this month..."
And so, when I heard about him buying his buddy a netbook, I was like - wah.. It also makes me wonder about myself and my own friends... Why huh?
Yes.. wah.. I'm jealous.
Because to gals, we buy gifts for guys based on monetary value. So, the more expensive a gift is, the more it goes to show you are important to her.
But this said, this also depends on how much that girl can afford in the first place. S$90 might mean peanuts to you, but it might mean a lot to the girl...
Then again, true friendship can't be measured in terms of monetary value - I know. It's about being there for each other emotionally, physically, mentally, whatever -lly you have...
Actually, I also dunno what I am blabbering about. Suddenly, I find this whole article dun make sense and the thoughts dun flow...
Think I better go zzz soon.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Some days, you realize that you get to a roundabout.
Not a crossroad junction.
This is a little bit different.
You do not have to make a choice, if you rather not to.
You can just go round and round,
Seemingly looking for the right signs
Before you are finally tired
And decide to exit anyway.
Funny thing is ~
You don't stop.
Yet, you don't really start.
There is just something
Alluring about the roundabout.
The distinction
Between the starting point
And the ending point
Begins to blur. At some point.
Some say the world is round,
Like a roundabout.
Or a ferris wheel.
And some day, somewhere,
our paths will cross. Again.
Will they? Ever?
I think
For now,
It is time I start to exit.
**adapted from a friend's blog entry and edited, adding my own "flavour"...
Not a crossroad junction.
This is a little bit different.
You do not have to make a choice, if you rather not to.
You can just go round and round,
Seemingly looking for the right signs
Before you are finally tired
And decide to exit anyway.
Funny thing is ~
You don't stop.
Yet, you don't really start.
There is just something
Alluring about the roundabout.
The distinction
Between the starting point
And the ending point
Begins to blur. At some point.
Some say the world is round,
Like a roundabout.
Or a ferris wheel.
And some day, somewhere,
our paths will cross. Again.
Will they? Ever?
I think
For now,
It is time I start to exit.
**adapted from a friend's blog entry and edited, adding my own "flavour"...
Sunday, May 09, 2010
Hee, came across this lomo free app, and tried it... I love lomography! *grinz*
And yes, there is nothing wrong with the photo. I still keep my A-levels papers... =)
And yes, there is nothing wrong with the photo. I still keep my A-levels papers... =)
Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Baby Blues
My hot date with little four-month-old Jayden! He's just such an adorable little darling!
And he poo-ed immediately after this shot! Oh well.. at least, after I put him down in his pram....
And he poo-ed immediately after this shot! Oh well.. at least, after I put him down in his pram....
Victor's little princess, Shenise...
My secondary class and school mates at Shenise's full-month cele. Look at her proud Daddy beside me! We were all jokingly threatening Victor that we shall not tell his daughter that her daddy's nickname in school was Äh Blur! He's still sometimes as blur now, i thought, anyway. Oops!
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Totally hopeless
I'm either hopeless or useless.
I'm pacified... yet again.
Can't stand myself for being such a gullible/easily-pacified gal...
I'm pacified... yet again.
Can't stand myself for being such a gullible/easily-pacified gal...
Saturday, May 01, 2010
哭过就好了, 是真的吗?
第一次听到着首歌 ,就很喜欢它的旋律。。。
第一次看到MV, 看了它的词 ,就哭了出来。。。
过了一段时间,再次听到这首歌, 还是哭了出来。。。
我从来都不说“不”, 不是因为我愿意
是因为 我爱你
我从来都不生气, 不是因为我没有脾气
是因为 我爱你
我从来都不哭, 不是因为我没有眼泪
是因为 我爱你
哭过就好了, 是真的吗?
一次又一次地被你骗 ?
够了。。。 真的。。。
第一次看到MV, 看了它的词 ,就哭了出来。。。
过了一段时间,再次听到这首歌, 还是哭了出来。。。
我从来都不说“不”, 不是因为我愿意
是因为 我爱你
我从来都不生气, 不是因为我没有脾气
是因为 我爱你
我从来都不哭, 不是因为我没有眼泪
是因为 我爱你
哭过就好了, 是真的吗?
一次又一次地被你骗 ?
够了。。。 真的。。。
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
想念你 ~ 每当我在读着 Baby Blues 的漫画。 是你把这么可爱和温馨的漫画介绍给我。 想起你也是很喜欢Hammie.
想念你 ~ 每当我和朋友去看话剧。 是你带我去Substation看我的第一个话剧,而从此喜欢它。
想念你 ~ 每当我到了一个旧式咖啡店。 吃到好吃的东西和喝到香浓的咖啡时 ,隐隐约约记得我们说过要环游全岛光顾所有的旧式咖啡店。
想念你 ~ 每当我发现其实是自己在耍小姐脾气,因为没有多少人明知我在发小姐脾气,还会暂时顺着我意,任我差遣发牢骚。
想念你 ~ 每当我被人误会,或和家人吵架,气到有苦也不会说,只会自己窝在床上懊恼或哭泣。 因为只有你,我才能敢放声哭得最惨。因为你会不理我哭得多惨,多大声,自己就说了一大堆话,直到其中一句让我暴笑出声来。
也只有你知道 我要的梦其实并不大。。。
想念你 ~ 每当我和朋友去看话剧。 是你带我去Substation看我的第一个话剧,而从此喜欢它。
想念你 ~ 每当我到了一个旧式咖啡店。 吃到好吃的东西和喝到香浓的咖啡时 ,隐隐约约记得我们说过要环游全岛光顾所有的旧式咖啡店。
想念你 ~ 每当我发现其实是自己在耍小姐脾气,因为没有多少人明知我在发小姐脾气,还会暂时顺着我意,任我差遣发牢骚。
想念你 ~ 每当我被人误会,或和家人吵架,气到有苦也不会说,只会自己窝在床上懊恼或哭泣。 因为只有你,我才能敢放声哭得最惨。因为你会不理我哭得多惨,多大声,自己就说了一大堆话,直到其中一句让我暴笑出声来。
也只有你知道 我要的梦其实并不大。。。
Monday, April 12, 2010
Men are clueless...
I really love this comic strip.
Especially at the end when the Daddy honestly could not figure out what made his wife so mad...
Especially at the end when the Daddy honestly could not figure out what made his wife so mad...
Sunday, April 11, 2010
I might never understand anyway...
I recently came to know about something by accident, and while it was, honestly, none of my business, I realised that I am starting to see this person in another light. It does not help that this came shortly after a personal lunch conversation I had with my boss earlier. While I previously reasoned down that the strong reaction might be due to one’s character, the new-found knowledge, nonetheless, overthrew this argument. I could not comprehend the actions and reactions anymore and could find no justification for the behaviour.
If one had gone through similar rough patch before, and had supposedly recovered from it, shouldn’t one show more empathy instead? It is rather ironic to see the total opposite – that one is even more critical than others.
Oh well, then again, I think I would never understand it anyway. Just like how I think I will never understand, till now, how one can love two or more people at one time. Or just like how I never know how to play pool, regardless how many experts had taught me…
If one had gone through similar rough patch before, and had supposedly recovered from it, shouldn’t one show more empathy instead? It is rather ironic to see the total opposite – that one is even more critical than others.
Oh well, then again, I think I would never understand it anyway. Just like how I think I will never understand, till now, how one can love two or more people at one time. Or just like how I never know how to play pool, regardless how many experts had taught me…
不知是因为有一段时间没单独见面了,感觉彼此都很珍惜见面的时间。虽然也有在线上偶尔聊天,但见面时,还是东聊西撤 ,还是有说不完的话题。
原以为吃顿饭 ,最多两三个小时,九点或十点应该就能到家休息;怎知这一聊就是六七个钟头 。。。
是说话的语气,还是谈天的内容: 我不晓得。
喜欢看你紧张我的样子。 看你看到我脸上皮肤敏感,硬逼我去厕所,然后说怎么办,是要去买药膏或是什么;尽管我说我没事,手不痒,不去抓它,一会儿就会没事。
喜欢看到你一脸惊讶。当你看到我从厕所出来时,脸上皮肤敏感的部位都好像没事了。 听你感叹女人化装功夫一流。然后又是一脸惊讶,当我说我只是用冷水傅了一下, 没什么补粉。
喜欢发现你原来在 facebook跟我分享了一些restricted information.
时间,如果能停顿在上个星期五 (9 April 2010) 晚上,那该多好!
不知是因为有一段时间没单独见面了,感觉彼此都很珍惜见面的时间。虽然也有在线上偶尔聊天,但见面时,还是东聊西撤 ,还是有说不完的话题。
原以为吃顿饭 ,最多两三个小时,九点或十点应该就能到家休息;怎知这一聊就是六七个钟头 。。。
是说话的语气,还是谈天的内容: 我不晓得。
喜欢看你紧张我的样子。 看你看到我脸上皮肤敏感,硬逼我去厕所,然后说怎么办,是要去买药膏或是什么;尽管我说我没事,手不痒,不去抓它,一会儿就会没事。
喜欢看到你一脸惊讶。当你看到我从厕所出来时,脸上皮肤敏感的部位都好像没事了。 听你感叹女人化装功夫一流。然后又是一脸惊讶,当我说我只是用冷水傅了一下, 没什么补粉。
喜欢发现你原来在 facebook跟我分享了一些restricted information.
时间,如果能停顿在上个星期五 (9 April 2010) 晚上,那该多好!
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Illusionist

Really like this show.
Like the magic.
Like the plot.
Like the characters' dialogues.
Cried my eyeballs out.
And ran to blow my nose, wash my face
At almost every commercial-break opportunity
During the last few episodes.
Silly ~ I know.
Like the songs.
Especially the ending song <<二人同行>>
Like the lyrics.
Especially those highlighted in pink.
Even more so ~ those in bold pink.
Especially these two phrases.
对天空的辽阔来说 云算什么
你不会懂 我渺小得多宽容
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Random, random, random
To clear the air, the previous entry has nothing to do with myself. It was just some thoughts that came across my mind after reading a book that my friend lent me, and also partly inspired by a friend’s situation. Weirdly, the PPGs thought I am feeling super emo about things again… Like what Bloss puts, “FAIL” cos my readers din get the impression I wan them to get. Hah!
Work has been… I don’t know whether BUSY is the right word to use, because technically speaking, my to-do list is not exactly very long… and I’m only currently working on two projects, the rest are just other nitty-gritty tasks. But somehow, these two projects are just taking ages. Sigh…
February is just too short a month. And whatever upcoming projects Boss mentioned in the meeting today, they are due in March, but ironically, until now, she does not have the information yet. I hate it when she says that cos that means it’s going to be a mad rush for all of us when she eventually briefs me and my designer. And this means we have less than three weeks to pull off a campaign, a client cocktail function, etc, etc, on top of whatever we are doing now… But judging on the workload we mentioned today, think my designer is in a worse shape than me… Good luck to us!
The office award ceremony this year turned out to be a little surprise for me. I was given the Team Player Award. It's kinda ironic because I was just standing at one little corner, behind everyone else, happily gossiping with my other colleague, and eyeing at the Lo Hei and food... So imagine how I had that confused expression when I thought I heard my name being announced, then my whole face turned red when I realised everyone turned around to stare at me.
It also then occurred to me why my Human Resources Manager told me that morning she got me replaced and I do not have to be the emcee for the event ceremony anymore. And I naively thought she was being kind for letting me off. Yes, I'm slow at times, I know.
But I wonder who did the nomination. Checked with the two departments I am closest to, and both said no... so... Oh well...
When you find your mind keep wandering off when you are out with a group of friends, or you keep rolling your eyes secretly at their conversation, and at one point, you even ask yourself “Why the hell am I here listening and entertaining to such crap?”, does that mean you do not really enjoy their company anymore?
That’s kinda sad. But I guess when your minds don’t connect in whatever way they should connect, and you are at a totally different frequency and wavelength with the rest, it is high time I start to build and maintain a distance from them. I should not allow myself to degrade to their level; otherwise, I think I will look down on myself even. Crap.
I feel like taking a holiday. And I really mean a holiday, and not just a weekend trip to somewhere. I want to take leave to go somewhere. Talking about that, I need to clear my leave by March. Darn. But I don’t feel like going on a trip with a big group.
Best is I can go on a holiday with someone whom I feel absolutely comfortable even if we dun talk to each other much, and of course, vice versa. Hmmm… My next planned trip is in August… I wonder if I can tahan till then… Sigh...
There are just too many messy relationships around me. And it’s weird how people think I can accept such nonsense.
Like what a friend told me.. I’m turning to you and sharing this with you because I KNOW you will not be judgmental like the rest, and you will be able to empathize, though you may not agree with what I am doing.
I used to get very agitated after hearing messy stories, but I guess, somehow, along the way, I’ve given up saying anything at all and I guess that is why I give people the impression that I am able to empathize and not be judgmental. I’ll just keep quiet and nod my head. But to be honest, I am. I will be judgmental, just that I don’t express it anymore. Because I have come to terms that it is ultimately your problem, not mine. You are an adult and should have the sanity and morality as to what to do next. I do not have to be so affected by what is happening to you. I’ll just provide a listening ear. Just don't deprive me of my zzz. Please.
Work has been… I don’t know whether BUSY is the right word to use, because technically speaking, my to-do list is not exactly very long… and I’m only currently working on two projects, the rest are just other nitty-gritty tasks. But somehow, these two projects are just taking ages. Sigh…
February is just too short a month. And whatever upcoming projects Boss mentioned in the meeting today, they are due in March, but ironically, until now, she does not have the information yet. I hate it when she says that cos that means it’s going to be a mad rush for all of us when she eventually briefs me and my designer. And this means we have less than three weeks to pull off a campaign, a client cocktail function, etc, etc, on top of whatever we are doing now… But judging on the workload we mentioned today, think my designer is in a worse shape than me… Good luck to us!
The office award ceremony this year turned out to be a little surprise for me. I was given the Team Player Award. It's kinda ironic because I was just standing at one little corner, behind everyone else, happily gossiping with my other colleague, and eyeing at the Lo Hei and food... So imagine how I had that confused expression when I thought I heard my name being announced, then my whole face turned red when I realised everyone turned around to stare at me.
It also then occurred to me why my Human Resources Manager told me that morning she got me replaced and I do not have to be the emcee for the event ceremony anymore. And I naively thought she was being kind for letting me off. Yes, I'm slow at times, I know.
But I wonder who did the nomination. Checked with the two departments I am closest to, and both said no... so... Oh well...
When you find your mind keep wandering off when you are out with a group of friends, or you keep rolling your eyes secretly at their conversation, and at one point, you even ask yourself “Why the hell am I here listening and entertaining to such crap?”, does that mean you do not really enjoy their company anymore?
That’s kinda sad. But I guess when your minds don’t connect in whatever way they should connect, and you are at a totally different frequency and wavelength with the rest, it is high time I start to build and maintain a distance from them. I should not allow myself to degrade to their level; otherwise, I think I will look down on myself even. Crap.
I feel like taking a holiday. And I really mean a holiday, and not just a weekend trip to somewhere. I want to take leave to go somewhere. Talking about that, I need to clear my leave by March. Darn. But I don’t feel like going on a trip with a big group.
Best is I can go on a holiday with someone whom I feel absolutely comfortable even if we dun talk to each other much, and of course, vice versa. Hmmm… My next planned trip is in August… I wonder if I can tahan till then… Sigh...
There are just too many messy relationships around me. And it’s weird how people think I can accept such nonsense.
Like what a friend told me.. I’m turning to you and sharing this with you because I KNOW you will not be judgmental like the rest, and you will be able to empathize, though you may not agree with what I am doing.
I used to get very agitated after hearing messy stories, but I guess, somehow, along the way, I’ve given up saying anything at all and I guess that is why I give people the impression that I am able to empathize and not be judgmental. I’ll just keep quiet and nod my head. But to be honest, I am. I will be judgmental, just that I don’t express it anymore. Because I have come to terms that it is ultimately your problem, not mine. You are an adult and should have the sanity and morality as to what to do next. I do not have to be so affected by what is happening to you. I’ll just provide a listening ear. Just don't deprive me of my zzz. Please.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
老实说,其实,你 是不是 / 有没有 喜欢我?
其实,说到底,说还是不说,问还是不问,就要看你是抱着什么心态, 你玩不玩得起,输不输得起。。。
掌控权应该。。。 还是在你自己的手里的。
其实,说到底,说还是不说,问还是不问,就要看你是抱着什么心态, 你玩不玩得起,输不输得起。。。
掌控权应该。。。 还是在你自己的手里的。
Monday, February 01, 2010
婚礼 | 婚姻
我只需要你给我幸福的婚姻。 也就是我要你这辈子紧牵着我的手, 无论将来的日子是起还是落,谁也不准撇开对方的手,到我们终老为止。
我只需要你给我幸福的婚姻。 也就是我要你这辈子紧牵着我的手, 无论将来的日子是起还是落,谁也不准撇开对方的手,到我们终老为止。
Monday, January 18, 2010
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Totally speechless when I saw this video report... Girl being openly groped by four men at Siloso Beach Countdown Party
Granted, as some of the people put it, the girl brought it upon herself by going to such beach parties, dressed in only skimpy bikinis, high on alcohol, she should expect it la, bla bla bla... but still, being openly groped like that , it's like...
In fact, I thought the girl looked totally drunk and dun think she had any strength to push the four men away, even if she wanted to -- as some of the people said she could have done.
And the scary part is, most pple said they won't want to get involved and help... I mean, grope her once, I guess I can somehow understand why pple won't help. But being touched all over like that for so long, and they were on stage some more, under so many pairs of eyes, it's just depressing or rather, unsettling to know that you are being molested and everyone sees and knows it but no one helps...
But one BIG question remains ~ where are her damn frens and how could they leave her alone like that?
Granted, as some of the people put it, the girl brought it upon herself by going to such beach parties, dressed in only skimpy bikinis, high on alcohol, she should expect it la, bla bla bla... but still, being openly groped like that , it's like...
In fact, I thought the girl looked totally drunk and dun think she had any strength to push the four men away, even if she wanted to -- as some of the people said she could have done.
And the scary part is, most pple said they won't want to get involved and help... I mean, grope her once, I guess I can somehow understand why pple won't help. But being touched all over like that for so long, and they were on stage some more, under so many pairs of eyes, it's just depressing or rather, unsettling to know that you are being molested and everyone sees and knows it but no one helps...
But one BIG question remains ~ where are her damn frens and how could they leave her alone like that?
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
老爸生病了。却又倔强地说要去开工,气得我对他好大声地说话。 那是凌晨四点半。 明明就还没完全康复嘛,还是会发抖,会头晕,还开什么工吗?
最后没办法,还是让他踏出家门去做工,在他出门之前无奈地提醒他要是感觉一不对就马上给我回家。 想必,我老妈也是不放心。老爸还出去不到10分钟,她就打电话提醒这个,提醒那个。
结果,晚上回来,他就说早上还好,下午就感觉很辛苦了。 现在很晕。。。
“明明就叫你多休息一天,明天好点才去。你看啦? 真的是自找!你明天给我呆在家休息! ”
奇怪,我明明就是担心和心疼,但不知道为什么从口中出来的全是在“骂”老爸。 我也知道他明天四点半还是会起床去开工。
心不是很踏实 ~ 是因为老爸在我记忆里很少生病。
这次,又听他呕吐,又听他头晕,又听他说眼睛看东西模糊,又听他发冷,又听他出风磨,种种,种种。。。 越听就越不是滋味。
当然,是我想太多了,想到胡思乱想了。我当然也知道老爸这次只是平常的重伤风感冒。 他只要肯乖乖休息,就会很快好起来。
老爸生病了。却又倔强地说要去开工,气得我对他好大声地说话。 那是凌晨四点半。 明明就还没完全康复嘛,还是会发抖,会头晕,还开什么工吗?
最后没办法,还是让他踏出家门去做工,在他出门之前无奈地提醒他要是感觉一不对就马上给我回家。 想必,我老妈也是不放心。老爸还出去不到10分钟,她就打电话提醒这个,提醒那个。
结果,晚上回来,他就说早上还好,下午就感觉很辛苦了。 现在很晕。。。
“明明就叫你多休息一天,明天好点才去。你看啦? 真的是自找!你明天给我呆在家休息! ”
奇怪,我明明就是担心和心疼,但不知道为什么从口中出来的全是在“骂”老爸。 我也知道他明天四点半还是会起床去开工。
心不是很踏实 ~ 是因为老爸在我记忆里很少生病。
这次,又听他呕吐,又听他头晕,又听他说眼睛看东西模糊,又听他发冷,又听他出风磨,种种,种种。。。 越听就越不是滋味。
当然,是我想太多了,想到胡思乱想了。我当然也知道老爸这次只是平常的重伤风感冒。 他只要肯乖乖休息,就会很快好起来。
Monday, January 04, 2010
Sunday, January 03, 2010
Two days before and after 2010...
I had wanted to write my entries. I have tonnes to want to pen down; but somehow, whenever I really sit down in front of the comp and my Word document, nothing comes to mind. Blank. No idea what I want to write about.
Had done an entry to round up 2009, but never get to really finish penning it. It was halfway through. I'll publish it when I'm done with it. Or rather, if I ever get done with it.
Had wanted to do an entry to welcome 2010, but never even got started!
Oh boy… lazy me...
30 December 2009
Met Serene for shopping in Orchard at 1 pm in the afternoon. It was an efficient day because we both knew we only had three hours. In those three hours, we had a quick but yummy lunch at Char Chan Teng, Serene bought a white blouse from Zara. Serene also bought her body cream from Crabtree and her hand cream from Loccitaine. Thereafter, we began our bag boutique shopping, during which I finally got myself a Gucci wallet ~ kind sponsorship from Serene and Cheryl as my birthday gift! Serene went to check out again her S$4,000 plus Chanel bag, and we rounded off with her buying a Tiffany ring!
Met Yanshan at Toa Payoh to do some grocery shopping before heading to Yanling’s house. And wah, it was tough trying to find a toilet at Toa Payoh. We walked up and down, searching for one to no avail! Bought apple strudel, ice cream, Yakult and coffee and waited for Raymond to pick us up.
Finally visited Yanling and Guoqing at their love nest at Varsity Park. Oh boy, their apartment is huge lor. Even the entire development is huge ~ according to Yanshan and Raymond who went to explore, while I stayed behind to do a bit of catching up with Yanling.
Maybe it is because their apartment is on the ground floor, it has a chalet feel with the garden porch in front, and her bedroom faces the garden. But somehow, I just thought it was a bit exposed. She always has to draw her curtains lor…
But the lovely couple decided to rent the apartment out, the moment they manage to find a HDB flat near my cousin-in-law’s shop in Jurong West. The passive rental income would form part of their family planning schedule, and such that my cousin does not have to work. Awww… She’s going to be 名副其实的少奶奶!
With Yanshan at the couch! The blue blue cousins gang!

31 December 2009
Supposed to have a countdown gathering with Vernice and gang. But somehow, communication went haywire somehow along the way, with no one planning or confirming anything. And when someone said she’ll check some stuff and get back, she never did.
Long story cut short, the entire saga just made me so super pissed off, such that in the end, after I vented my frustrations on poor David who totally had no idea what was going on and who incurred my wrath, I decided to just keep quiet and wait for someone to take charge ~ which was finally done at about 6.15 pm.
But because it was already really very last minute, we decided to just had a simple dinner and catch a movie, and then play everything by ear.
Vernice, who seemed to be totally oblivious to the “chaos” she created, did not join and sent us all a sms telling us she would be at Labrador Park and asked if we wanted to join her. And yes, my eyes were rolling, and Ron and Mich were like “oopsie daisee”…
After watching The Treasure Hunter, which totally sucked (sorry Bloss and Butter, but your Jay Chou really… erm… can’t act.) with lousy acting and no story line, somehow, suddenly, mahjong was on the plan and off we went to Mich’s ex-colleague’s house to play mahjong.
And yes, so we had our mini countdown at the Mahjong table. Huat ah!
Oh, and I ran into my students! Or rather, I missed them in the toilet but ran into their mother who was waiting outside for them.
I had actually secretly planned and hoped to be back home cos I had wanted to see the live fireworks from Johor! I still miss the heart-shaped fireworks! Awww… sweet!
Anyhow, was also supposed to meet David back at my place to go for supper after his countdown party with his friends and after I had seen my fireworks; but too bad, MJ took longer than usual, and he had to try figure out the exact meeting location in his not-so-sober state.
And in the end, we did not go for supper (or rather breakfast), but just headed straight home, cos we were all too tired from the MJ ~ except Ron who kept asking about breakfast. That was about 5.15 am.
And I remembered thinking to myself that I could still join Agnes and her friends at East Coast to catch sunrise. The break of dawn on the first day of 2010! But I was honestly too groggy then. But Agnes was sweet enough to send me a MMS of the sunrise! Nice!
1 January 2010
Slept at 7 am and was woken up by mum at 8:30 am because I misplaced her keys and she couldn’t find it. Zzzz…
Met the PPGs at Butter’s place at 1:30 pm. Had mahjong again! I think I’m going to puke mahjong very soon, especially when the girls are actually contemplating a mahjoing camp! And we are supposed to be “uncontactable” with mobile phones switched off and stuff. As Butter puts it, we’ll reach mahjong nirvana soon… What the…
But Bloss and Butter would not be in town for the next few days. Bloss would be in Batam and Butter in Hong Kong. I miss them already... So used to yakking with them almost every day!! Gosh... Both refused to tell me when they will be back because they say I always MIA too, and go travel without telling them. So they say must let me have a taste of my own medicine wor! haha - We all burst out laughing when Bloss said "Sekaly when we are back, she MIA again and we can't find her instead!"
Had a very sumptuous seafood dinner. The chilies and salted egg crabs were so super sinful!
Rounded the night with 30 minutes of KTV with Jenny and gang, before heading to the games café to play board games! Fun! Wanted to ask John to join since the games café was within walking distance from his house, but he only returned my sms just before I was getting ready to go to bed! **faintz** Slept at 3 am.. Zzzz..
2 January 2010
Had tuition in the morning and realised to my horror that I wore the wrong contact lens for my left eye. As a result, my left eye could not see really properly. Sigh… My student had a good laugh over it and joked that I must take note not to run into glass doors. Duh…
Went to register for my dance class. Will be having my dance class twice a week starting next week! I miss my dance classes ~ booty exotic and exotic dance!
Met Ann-marie for shopping and movies. Bought a little pearl ring which I like to bits, at least for now! And I love the chipmunks, especially Theodore and Simon! Awww… so cute.
When I'm just blabbering, it's very obvious because I am going to end this entry very abruptly. I would be very surprised if you actually have read the entire entry and make it to this last sentence! heee...
Had done an entry to round up 2009, but never get to really finish penning it. It was halfway through. I'll publish it when I'm done with it. Or rather, if I ever get done with it.
Had wanted to do an entry to welcome 2010, but never even got started!
Oh boy… lazy me...
30 December 2009
Met Serene for shopping in Orchard at 1 pm in the afternoon. It was an efficient day because we both knew we only had three hours. In those three hours, we had a quick but yummy lunch at Char Chan Teng, Serene bought a white blouse from Zara. Serene also bought her body cream from Crabtree and her hand cream from Loccitaine. Thereafter, we began our bag boutique shopping, during which I finally got myself a Gucci wallet ~ kind sponsorship from Serene and Cheryl as my birthday gift! Serene went to check out again her S$4,000 plus Chanel bag, and we rounded off with her buying a Tiffany ring!
Met Yanshan at Toa Payoh to do some grocery shopping before heading to Yanling’s house. And wah, it was tough trying to find a toilet at Toa Payoh. We walked up and down, searching for one to no avail! Bought apple strudel, ice cream, Yakult and coffee and waited for Raymond to pick us up.
Finally visited Yanling and Guoqing at their love nest at Varsity Park. Oh boy, their apartment is huge lor. Even the entire development is huge ~ according to Yanshan and Raymond who went to explore, while I stayed behind to do a bit of catching up with Yanling.
Maybe it is because their apartment is on the ground floor, it has a chalet feel with the garden porch in front, and her bedroom faces the garden. But somehow, I just thought it was a bit exposed. She always has to draw her curtains lor…
But the lovely couple decided to rent the apartment out, the moment they manage to find a HDB flat near my cousin-in-law’s shop in Jurong West. The passive rental income would form part of their family planning schedule, and such that my cousin does not have to work. Awww… She’s going to be 名副其实的少奶奶!
With Yanshan at the couch! The blue blue cousins gang!
Busy preparing for dinner...
Home-cooked dinner by Yanling! Yummy!
31 December 2009
Supposed to have a countdown gathering with Vernice and gang. But somehow, communication went haywire somehow along the way, with no one planning or confirming anything. And when someone said she’ll check some stuff and get back, she never did.
Long story cut short, the entire saga just made me so super pissed off, such that in the end, after I vented my frustrations on poor David who totally had no idea what was going on and who incurred my wrath, I decided to just keep quiet and wait for someone to take charge ~ which was finally done at about 6.15 pm.
But because it was already really very last minute, we decided to just had a simple dinner and catch a movie, and then play everything by ear.
Vernice, who seemed to be totally oblivious to the “chaos” she created, did not join and sent us all a sms telling us she would be at Labrador Park and asked if we wanted to join her. And yes, my eyes were rolling, and Ron and Mich were like “oopsie daisee”…
After watching The Treasure Hunter, which totally sucked (sorry Bloss and Butter, but your Jay Chou really… erm… can’t act.) with lousy acting and no story line, somehow, suddenly, mahjong was on the plan and off we went to Mich’s ex-colleague’s house to play mahjong.
And yes, so we had our mini countdown at the Mahjong table. Huat ah!
Oh, and I ran into my students! Or rather, I missed them in the toilet but ran into their mother who was waiting outside for them.
I had actually secretly planned and hoped to be back home cos I had wanted to see the live fireworks from Johor! I still miss the heart-shaped fireworks! Awww… sweet!
Anyhow, was also supposed to meet David back at my place to go for supper after his countdown party with his friends and after I had seen my fireworks; but too bad, MJ took longer than usual, and he had to try figure out the exact meeting location in his not-so-sober state.
And in the end, we did not go for supper (or rather breakfast), but just headed straight home, cos we were all too tired from the MJ ~ except Ron who kept asking about breakfast. That was about 5.15 am.
And I remembered thinking to myself that I could still join Agnes and her friends at East Coast to catch sunrise. The break of dawn on the first day of 2010! But I was honestly too groggy then. But Agnes was sweet enough to send me a MMS of the sunrise! Nice!
1 January 2010
Slept at 7 am and was woken up by mum at 8:30 am because I misplaced her keys and she couldn’t find it. Zzzz…
Met the PPGs at Butter’s place at 1:30 pm. Had mahjong again! I think I’m going to puke mahjong very soon, especially when the girls are actually contemplating a mahjoing camp! And we are supposed to be “uncontactable” with mobile phones switched off and stuff. As Butter puts it, we’ll reach mahjong nirvana soon… What the…
But Bloss and Butter would not be in town for the next few days. Bloss would be in Batam and Butter in Hong Kong. I miss them already... So used to yakking with them almost every day!! Gosh... Both refused to tell me when they will be back because they say I always MIA too, and go travel without telling them. So they say must let me have a taste of my own medicine wor! haha - We all burst out laughing when Bloss said "Sekaly when we are back, she MIA again and we can't find her instead!"
Had a very sumptuous seafood dinner. The chilies and salted egg crabs were so super sinful!
Rounded the night with 30 minutes of KTV with Jenny and gang, before heading to the games café to play board games! Fun! Wanted to ask John to join since the games café was within walking distance from his house, but he only returned my sms just before I was getting ready to go to bed! **faintz** Slept at 3 am.. Zzzz..
2 January 2010
Had tuition in the morning and realised to my horror that I wore the wrong contact lens for my left eye. As a result, my left eye could not see really properly. Sigh… My student had a good laugh over it and joked that I must take note not to run into glass doors. Duh…
Went to register for my dance class. Will be having my dance class twice a week starting next week! I miss my dance classes ~ booty exotic and exotic dance!
Met Ann-marie for shopping and movies. Bought a little pearl ring which I like to bits, at least for now! And I love the chipmunks, especially Theodore and Simon! Awww… so cute.
When I'm just blabbering, it's very obvious because I am going to end this entry very abruptly. I would be very surprised if you actually have read the entire entry and make it to this last sentence! heee...