Wat a weekend…
Friday (not really weekend but close la… )Went to Sentosa Cove to help out at the auction… and of cos, those who went are the super-duper rich pple… Event went rather ok, though I won’t say the same for the logistics matters. Thought that the logistics could have been better arranged… but well, it wasn’t my event, and so it wasn’t really appropriate for me to comment much too.. I was quite pissed off with a staff from Sentosa though..
We were supposed to make photocopies of the identifications of all those who came as bidders, and some staff from Sentosa told me tat someone in the room would help me make the photocopies. But when I went to the room, there was only this guy and a lady, and both of them were not supposed to do the photocopying.. (Not sure where tat lady who was responsible for photocopying went at that moment)… But anyway, the lady in the room was kind enough to want to teach me how to use it, but just when she was trying to figure out, her boss came in and screamed at her, “What are you doing here? Please go out to attend the guests!!!! And XXX (calling the guy), you take care of the back room operations and help her (ie, me) with the photocopying.”
When the door closed, the guy started to vent his frustrations on me.
Guy: If you are doing the running, you should have come in earlier to learn how to operate this machine!
Me: I came early but someone told me that pple from your side would take care of the photocopying and I just have to pass to your staff!
Guy: But if you are doing the running, shouldn’t you learn? (meanwhile, he was trying to figure how to photocopy the IC onto one page)
Me (getting pissed): I repeat. Someone from YOUR side told me that YOU GUYS will handle it. How would I know where that person from YOUR side goes to at this critical time?!
Guy: You guys came earlier just a few secs ago to do the identification photocopying too! When my gal did it for u guys, shouldn’t you guys watch and learn? And I never do the photocopying before, so I am not familiar of how to operate this machine either!
Me (now super pissed): If you dunno, I can do it. Pass me the identification!
But this super idiotic guy refused to budge from his position and while we were arguing, he already finished the photocopying, and so, he handed it to me.
I was also stupid enough to actually say “thank you” some more!! Now I think of it, I shouldn’t have and should have just snatched it from him. What an idiotic guy.
I should have been sarcastic and said “You work here and IF EVEN YOU do not know how to operate this machine.. How the F*** you expect outsiders to know how to operate?!”
Idiot. Throughout the event, each time I saw him, I gave him a super stern stare.
Friday eveningMet Vern for dinner and did some catching up all the way until 12 MN. And then went to meet Ann and her god-daddy for some drinks at Harry’s Bar… Goodness… they really drink like a fish.. one drink after another and ordered the same for us… Each time Vern and I wanted to quickly finish our drinks and leave, before we could even say bye, another drink was already on the table for us… Vern and I just exchanged helpless looks…
And when Harry’s Bar closed at 2 am.. Vern and I felt super relieved… but who noes… we were pushed into a cab and off we went to MOS for 2nd round… nearly fainted… cos I was kinda groggy and dizzy… but I was trying my best to walk straight and appear alert… (told Vern the next day and she actually said Huh? I din noe u were already drunk! Cos u looked damn sober and was talking sense! Haha!)
And so, we stayed at MOS until abt 3 plus… reached home, 4 plus… by the time I finally got into my bed… it was like 5 plus in the morning!! Goodness.. it had been a long time since I slept so early! Grrrr… not good for skin…
Saturday eveningMet Vern, Nan, Yi’er, Michelle and a grp of other frens for Womad. For the past few years, I’ve been ranting that I wanted to go, but somehow, never make it there.. Was glad that I went this year. The weather was quite hot and humid though… We were all sticky by the end of the night.. but guess it’s better than a wet weather… Had fun with the company..
* Michelle really loves to dance.. We were all sitting down and realised Michelle was still standing strong, jumping and dancing to the music.
* Poor Yi’er was dragged along by us… she looked damn bored throughout the whole event. She looked even more bored after Nan and I banned her from drinking another can of beer… and when all of us were standing and dancing to the music, she sat down and slept…
* Poor Vern… Her friend had his drink put behind her but it toppled and she ended up with a wet buttock (or rather her jeans)… lucky it wasn’t red wine nor pepsi.. just plain water… And guessed we all concluded that Vern had a nice, firm butt, when all eyes were on her wet jeans and trying to figure how to dry her in the shortest possible time..
By 1 plus, we all packed up and Vern wanted to go to the other stations to look… apparently, there was this area playing house music.. But Nan and Yi’er wanted to leave already, and my feet were bitten by mosquitoes and itched like hell.. so the two gals persuaded me to leave with them… Wat’s more, we got someone to drive us back too.. not bad, save on transport... hehe.. And so.. sat night.. I slept at abt 3 am..
Not bad for a weekend huh? **smile and zzz**